Thursday, July 4

Hugh Jackman says he never took steroids to play Wolverine in the 'X-Men' movies

Hugh Jackman started playing the mutant
Hugh Jackman began playing the mutant “Wolverine” more than 20 years ago.

Photo: Arthur Holmes/Getty Images

Julio Cortes

Australian actor Hugh Jackman has played the character Wolverine in many films in the saga of “X Men”but in a matter of months, every time the shooting of one of the films was about to start, his body changed drastically, showing remarkable musculature. Now he has made it known that, contrary to what many thought, his preparation was very natural, based on a specific diet and a lot of exercise.

In an interview within the series “Who’s talking to Chris Wallace” Jackman commented that taking steroids to play Wolverine was never in his plans: “No, I love my job. And I love Wolverine. I have to be careful what I say here, but I was told anecdotally what the side effects of that are. And I said to myself: ‘I don’t want to do it to that degree either’. So no, I just did it old school. And I tell you, I’ve eaten more chicken, I’m so sorry to all the vegans and vegetarians and the chickens in the world. Karma is literally not good for me. If the deity has something to do with chickens, I’m in trouble.”

When he was selected for one of the main roles of “X-Men” Hugh had not even read the Marvel comicand mistakenly thought that Wolverine was a werewolf, when in fact the character is based on the gluttonous animal (also known as wolverine or gulo gulo): “I had never read the comic. I got the part. In Australia we don’t have wolverines. I didn’t know it was a real animal. I had never heard of a wolverine. I thought it was a made up animal. You know, Wolverine has the hands of a man and claws of steel, and while I was getting ready I walked around a screen IMAX where they were showing a documentary about wolves. And I said ‘Perfect! Because I’m obviously a wolf, part wolf.”

With the good humor that characterizes it Jackman said it was embarrassing for him in the end to realize he was wrong.: “So I went on set doing all these wolf moves, and the director said, ‘What are you doing?’ And I said, ‘Well, I was just thinking that wolves always look like that because they’re actually smelling, they have their noses to the ground. That’s why they look like this all the time.’ And he said to me: ‘What do you mean by a wolf?’ And I said, ‘Well, you know, Wolverine, I’m part wolf, so…’ and he said, ‘No, you’re a glutton.’

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