Saturday, September 21

Taliban leader accuses Prince Harry of killing innocent Afghans

In his memoir, due out next week, Harry reveals the number of people he killed during two military missions.
In his memoir, due out next week, Harry reveals the number of people he killed during two military missions.

Photo: Oliver Carter/Australian Defense Force/Getty Images

The opinion

For: The opinion Updated 07 Jan 2023, 0:40 am EST

After recognizing in a book that killed 25 people during his military service in Afghanistanthe prince harry it was accused by a high command of that country to kill innocent people.

The Taliban leader Anas Haqqani accused the youngest son of Prince Charles of England of confess war crimes by accepting that he killed more than twenty Afghans.

“Mr. Harry! The ones you killed weren’t chess pieces, they were human beings.; they had families waiting for their return. Among the murderers of Afghans, there are not many who have the decency to reveal their conscience and confess to their war crimes,” Anas Haqqani wrote on his Twitter account.

The Taliban leader took up a few words from Harry in which he referred to the people he killed as chess pieces and criticized the military and political leaders who see their citizens killed in the war in this way.

“The truth is what you have said; our innocents were chess pieces for their soldiers, military and political leaders. Even so, they were defeated in that black and white “square” “match”, Haqqani added in another tweet.

The Afghan official ended his Twitter thread by regretting that The International Criminal Court will not subpoena Prince Harry for the murders, not even the NGOs are going to condemn these facts.

“I don’t expect the ICC to subpoena them nor that human rights activists condemn you, because they are deaf and blind to you. but hopefully these atrocities be remembered in the history of mankind,” he concluded.

1/3- Mr. Harry! The ones you killed were not chess pieces, they were human; they had families who were waiting for their return. Among the killers of Afghans, not many have your decency to reveal their conscience and confess to their war crimes.

— Anas Haqqani(انس حقاني) (@AnasHaqqani313) January 6, 2023

Furthermore, in an interview with Al Jazeera, the Taliban leader said that it is proven that the people killed by Harry were innocentas the Taliban discovered that on the days Prince Harry mentions the deaths of 25 mujahideen, they had no casualties in the Afghan province of Helmand.

“It is clear that civilians and ordinary people were targetedHaqqani told the news agency.

Harry’s Confessions

In his memoir titled SpareHarry reveals the number of people he killed during two missions in Afghanistan to fight the Taliban.

As reported by the BBC, in the book, which will go on sale next week, Harry reveals that he killed a total of 25 people during his time in Afghanistan.

“my number is 25. It is not a number that fills me with satisfaction, but I’m not ashamed either“, he wrote in the book “Spare”. “When I was plunged into the heat and confusion of combat I didn’t think of those 25 as people”.

Prince Charles’ youngest son said he saw these people as chess pieces, “They were chess pieces removed from the board. Bad people wiped out before they could kill good people,” he adds in his memoir.

Harry served in Afghanistan between 2007 and 2013first as a forward air controller in air raids and later flying Apache attack helicopters.

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