Wednesday, October 23

The last Mercury retrograde of 2022 will affect the 4 zodiac signs the most

Miguel Angel Castillo

2022 will close with important astral movements in the sky, the most important and whose effects will be most noticeable is Retrograde Mercury, transit that begins this December 29 and will end until January 18, 2023.

Retrogrades in astrology are the apparent backward movement of the planets in the sky, which is an optical illusion due to our position on Earth. All the stars in the Solar System go retrograde, with the exception of Earth, and the most famous is precisely Mercury retrograde.

This planet is in charge of communication, messages and thought, so its setbacks commonly cause delays, confusion and technological failures, however, its effects have a greater impact depending on the sign where it retrogrades. on this occasion it will do it in Capricorn, so it could affect labor relations more.

Which zodiac signs will be the most affected by the last Mercury retrograde of 2022? Astrological predictions talk about Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, and we tell you why.


This Mercury retrograde will invite Aries to analyze and rethink what your professional goals will be for the next yearor, as predicted by Elite Daily astrologers. You may experience some delays, but they will give you time to strategize to achieve your employment goals.

In addition, this retrograde is the perfect time to calm your impulses and thoughts, that is, do not act without first processing the information that comes to you, so you will have more clarity on the road.


You will have one or several important conversations within your relationships; If he has felt insecure with his partner, now is the time to bring up everything he has hidden. And it is that this retrograde Mercury will be like a test that they must overcome because they will see if they have what it takes to express and support the thoughts of one another. It is predicted that there will be great revelations.


Retrograde Mercury will affect your family relationships or housemates. The moment you’ve been waiting to speak your mind is now, however, you will have to choose your words carefully, as this transit often causes misunderstandings.


Since this Mercury retrograde occurs in Capricorn, it is not a surprise that it is one of the most affected signs. You will be called upon to reconsider your career plans and goalsIn the process, some concerns might arise. The key will be to put your affairs in order and share them with others.

It may interest you:
– Retrograde Mercury says goodbye to 2022: how it affects your zodiac sign
– 4 planets will be retrograde in December 2022: what they mean for your life
– All retrograde planets that will occur in 2023: dates and effects