Monday, September 23

Mexico registered 389 police officers killed in the year and Zacatecas tops this list

Guanajuato, Michoacán and Guerrero are other states where the uniformed are in greater danger.
Guanajuato, Michoacán and Guerrero are other states where the uniformed are in greater danger.

Photo: ENRIQUE CASTRO/AFP/Getty Images

The opinion

For: The opinion Updated Dec 27, 2022, 1:44 pm EST

Without a doubt, 2022 was a particularly difficult year for Mexico, as violence in its multiple forms took over the country. Feminicides, disappearances and shootings are something that its inhabitants lived throughbut the civilian population was not the only target of crime, since the forces of order recorded several casualties, with a total of 389 police officers killed throughout the territory.

At the head of the list of Mexican states with the most murdered police officers is Zacatecas, entity that daily experienced at least one violent episode, and where 55 elements of different police corporations were killed, many of them fell in the line of duty. Beyond numbers, they were people who left irreparable absences, in some cases they were the support of their homes, they left wives, children and parents with broken hearts.

Zacatecas is followed by another particularly violent entity, Guanajuato, 47 police officers were killed there. These murders are a reflection of the particular situation that each state is experiencing, since the third place is occupied by Michoacán and Guerrero with 24 elements murdered; followed by Veracruz, with 23 and Jalisco with 22.

According to the organization Causa Común -which compiles journalistic notes to make its lists- the figures registered in 2022 represent an average of 1.09 police officers killed per day.

The organization explained that, of the agents killed by the corporation, they are divided into 244 municipal police officers; 126 state elements and 17 federal agents.

December, with its good wishes and festivities, did not give a truce to the murders of police officers, since between the 9th and 15th of that month at least six cases were documented: San Luis Potosí, with two; Zacatecas, Sonora, Veracruz and Coahuila, with one in each state.

In addition, one day after Christmas, on December 26, a police officer was shot to death in Ecatepec, State of Mexico, during a pursuit of a stolen van. That same day, in Nayarit, a policeman was assassinated during a confrontation.

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