Tuesday, September 24

French footballer shot dead on Christmas Eve

Soccer field - referential photo.
Soccer field – referential photo.

Photo: Michael Regan/Getty Images

Arnaldo Fernandez

Adel Santana Mendy, a 22-year-old footballer trained at Olympique de Marseille and who currently played for Aubagne FC in the French fourth division, died last Friday on Christmas Eve, as a result of a shooting in Marseille.

The young footballer who was a member of Olympique de Marseille, did not succeed with the French team in the first division and faced with this reality, he played in the fourth category as a record of the aforementioned Aubagne FC, he had been playing there since 2021.

Adel Santana Mendy was assisted by local authorities, however he did not manage to survive his injuries and died, reported the BFM Marseille outlet. Without a doubt, tragic news that mourns French and world football.

From the club they expressed their sadness at the unfortunate event and expressed their solidarity with the relatives and relatives of the 22-year-old footballer, whom they mentioned that they will always remember as part of the club.

“It is with great sadness that the AFC learned of the tragic demise of Adel Santana Mendy. He will leave a great void and will forever remain one of us. All our thoughts and condolences go out to his family.“They wrote from Aubagne FC through their social networks, lamenting the murder of their player Adel Mendy.

The AFC appris with a great sadness the tragic disappearance of Adel Santana Mendy.

Il laissera un grand vide et demeurera à jamais l’un des nôtres.

Toutes nos pensées et nos condoléances vont à sa famille. 🖤 ​​pic.twitter.com/HAZXSH7JLa — Aubagne FC (@AubagneFoot) December 24, 2022

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