Tuesday, October 8

Chyno Miranda: His mother denounced in “Despierta América” ​​that her son went out for an interview without authorization

Although everything seemed to be calm and on the way out, the controversy reignited in the case of Jesús ‘Chyno’ Miranda . This time, his mother, Alcira Pérez, was on ‘Despierta América’ where she denounced that her son left the Cedral clinic to do an interview with Irrael Gómez without authorization.

This new controversy began on Wednesday night, when the media strategist and businessman, Irrael Gómez, shared on his Instagram account, a photo posing with Chyno in a living room and hinting that he had conducted an interview.


This morning, in the ‘Sin Rollo’ segment of ‘Despierta América’, with Carlos Calderón in the lead, Marcela Sarmiento , Jomari Goyso, Lindsay Casinello as panelist, and Ana Isabelle, who was new to Chyno, Mrs. Alcira, accompanied by a lawyer, assured that there was no authorization for the interview.

The singer’s mother recounted that, as as yesterday was her On the day of the visit, he received a call from the doctor in Cedral, where he is currently hospitalized after he was taken from Tía Panchita by the authorities and a court, where they told him that he was not going to be able to see him because his son would go out to get a swab and the dentist . Alcira went on to say that she went anyway to get the medical report, which she had asked for a month ago, and followed up on Chyno’s return to the clinic .

“ It was 6 pm and he had not returned, if he had gone out to get a swab, and had to go to the dentist… I keep waiting, and after a while the photo of Irrael, which is not allowed, he does not have permission, nor authorization from anyone due to his level of anxiety “, said Doña Alcira and added.

“ He is in a disqualification process that the girl (Astrid Falcón, the girlfriend) put, my visit is suspended, why is all this happening , what power does this Mr. Irrael have to do this ?”.

In ‘Sin Rollo’ they asked her why she thought this had happened, and she replied as follows: “Amarillismo, it’s pure news, he’s playing with my son’s health, he is not interested, he is not a friend of my son, I need to take him home, I don’t care He likes it, he’s a blogger, and he doesn’t have any authorization to do it”, he stood firm.

They also asked him how he lived with Chyno when he visited him in Cendral: “He has been very upset because I tell him that he has to finish the treatment, and he tells me, ‘I’m fine’, and he raises his voice at me, which I never had fact, I jump from one topic to another… I told him I’m going to rent you an apartment, and then he comes up with that he’s going to the United States, he doesn’t spin one thing with another”, assured Alcira.

Chyno’s mother, who on other occasions had said that she had no communication with Natasha Araos, now assured that they talk to each other every week and that she frequently sees her grandson Lucca on camera. Although for the moment his son has not asked to see him other than in photos and videos.

Other of the questions she was asked that morning by Univision was about who is paying for the clinic, something she clarified that until November 2, she, with the money they had Together, Chyno’s friends paid for Tía Panchita, but since that day she did not know , although she believed that Astrid was taking care of that expense.

There was no lack of questioning whether or not there was finally a wedding between Chyno and Astrid. “I hope that hasn’t happened, and even less inside the Cedral clinic because it would be illegal “, which he did ensure that his son repeats and repeats that he does want to get married.

Let’s remember that Kerly Ruiz confirmed that not only was there no wedding, but for the moment the couple’s priority was Chyno’s health.


In view of Alcira’s complaint this morning in ‘Despierta América’, we contacted Irrael Gómez to find out what had happened, if he had permission to do the interview and why Chyno had left the clinic without his mother knowing.

“Until now no authority has ruled on any incapacity , which specifies what Jesus can or cannot do by right to his faculties. Until now, it is waiting for the doctors to issue their opinion and the court to decide on the matter. The same happened with the supposed marriage that the family manifests paralyzed. They requested the intervention of the court for alleged information, where they were asked for proof of what was said and so far nothing else has happened “, the media strategist told us.

Let’s remember that, as we have been telling you, since the day Chyno was taken out in the early morning at Tía Panchita, where she had already months of treatment, Irrael Gómez has been the one who has been reporting publicly on everything that happened and is happening, especially in said place and with the personnel that works or worked there. And we also confirm that, Astrid Falcón approached the businessman at the time to ask him for help to guide her by showing her the alleged negligence in which the singer lived.

According to Gómez, Chyno would be able to decide, despite the fact that he has pending in disqualification process requested in court by his girlfriend Astrid, in order to be able to take him to e value the Cedral clinic.

Given this, the question is Can Chyno come and go from his hospitalization when he wants? ” As long as there is no decision, nothing prevents him from going out, making public life, including making decisions “, Gómez told us, who is at the moment questioned why he was part of this outing and this interview.

He also had an answer for that, according to what he himself told us: “He asked to talk to me for a long time, and I had been waiting, he has insisted on that subject. And today, at this time, there is nothing to prevent it, not even my opinion “. And he added that until a court decides his future, ” is under the circumstance of hospitalized patient “.

We try to communicate with El Cedral to find out if Chyno needs authorization to leave , if he can make the decisions himself, but until the closing of this article we have not received a response from him .


As we have told you, since a court removed him from Tía Panchita with complaints of negligence, contempt by the place and a temporary disqualification process requested by his girlfriend, Chyno is in Cedral where all kinds of physical and psychological studies are being done on him. You also interview his closest entourage… Based on this, a judge would decide who should have custody of the singer, whether it be a single person or in co-custody, or the state, or if he is qualified to take his decisions without any guardianship.

Who requests their custody? His mother and his girlfriend Astrid, although Chyno also assures that he is qualified to make his decisions.

When will this be decided? As we were able to find out extrajudicially, it would be next week, before the court goes into recess for the holidays , when the decision made based on all previously mentioned studies.

Another of the questions that many What they do is who pays for the El Cedral clinic? In an interview with Kerly Ruiz, his girlfriend Astrid assured that she, with the help of her parents , would be taking charge of the very expensive place while the path to follow is decided.


-Chyno Miranda: Fake doctors who were treating him at the ‘Tía Panchita’ center were arrested

-Alcira Pérez, Chyno Miranda’s mother, broke the silence about her girlfriend: “He sees drugs in her, because she supplied him”

-Chyno Miranda: Look how he looked before a court took his guardianship to evaluate his health (VIDEO)