Wednesday, September 18

A Mexican colonel disappears in an area dominated by the CJNG and hours later they find his body

José Isidro Grimaldo habría sido secuestrado por un comando armado.
José Isidro Grimaldo was reportedly kidnapped by an armed commando.

Photo: Twitter/@MexicoRojo1 / Courtesy

By: The Opinion Updated 41 Dec 2022, 9: 22 am EST

The violence carried out by the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) throughout the Mexican territory has no limits, since it attacks rival groups as well as civilians, police officers and even elements of the Armed Forces.

This happened recently in the region that includes the states of Zacatecas and Jalisco, an area controlled by the CJNG and where, apparently, the only authority that commands is that of the hit men .

And it is that on Wednesday afternoon the news began to spread about the disappearance of the Army colonel José Isidro Grimaldo , who left the municipality of Tapalpa, Jalisco, bound for Zacatecas, but never reached his destination.

East This fact caused the mobilization of state and federal authorities in the area, as well as the deployment of hundreds of sol given to find the whereabouts of the military command, who would have been kidnapped by an armed command when he was driving his vehicle .

Army Colonel José Isidro Grimaldo Muñoz, who disappeared on Tuesday when he was going from Jalisco to Zacatecas, was found lifeless in Guadalajara, by E CJNG— El Diario Del Narco (@Diariodenarco) December 22,

According to various media, the commander was enjoying his vacation period, so he was traveling in a private car and had no bodyguards.

Hours after his disappearance was made known, it was reported that the unit in which the soldier was traveling was found abandoned in the municipality of Tonalá, while in the city of Guadalajara a body was found with signs of torture and bullet wounds , next to which was the Grimaldo Muñoz’s personal mobile phone, as well as as his weapon of charge.

The military command served as commander of the Urban Dragons, a motorized cavalry regiment based in Nuevo Laredo , Tamaulipas.

They confirmed the death of a Army colonel. This is José Isidro Grimaldo Muñoz, who hours before had been deprived of his liberty while traveling from #Jalisco to #Zacatecas. His body had bruises and was found along with his cell phone and his charge weapon.— Ciro Gómez Leyva (@CiroGomezL) December ,

Without However, was removed from his position in May of for having allegedly ordered an extrajudicial execution against a young man of 22 years that he was traveling on a motorcycle, as well as having altered the evidence.

“To manipulate the scene, the soldiers arranged the official units in an unusual way and turned on the lights of the vehicles to prevent them from taking pictures or videos the neighbors, witnesses and reporters”, the newspaper El Mañana de Nuevo Laredo pointed out about this case.

“According to witnesses, the military personnel, taking advantage of the fact that there was no investigative authority, threw burned gunpowder at the body of their victim, with the purpose of that it came out positive in a Sodium Rhodizonate test ”, added the local media.

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