Monday, October 7

5-year penalty for immigrants who enter the US as undocumented after the end of Title 42

El 21 de diciembre EE.UU. ya no podría aplicar el Título 42, según orden de un juez.
The 21 of December the USA could no longer apply the Title 21, by order of a judge.

Photo: John Moore / Getty Images

The Secretary of National Security, Alejandro Mayorkas , warned the reinforcement at the border once the Title is concluded 21, but it will be through another program which even allows imposing five years of punishment on undocumented immigrants.

“Once the Title Order 42 is no longer in effect, using its old Title 8 powers, DHS will process people at the border without proper travel documents,” Mayorkas warned. “[Those measures] foresee significant consequences, including the ban on re-entry [to the US] for five years

to people who are expelled”.

Title 8 is part of the United States Code that establishes different actions on immigration, including punishment for deportation.

If that person violates said rule, that is, they enter again as undocumented, then they would face up to 30 years in prison, since the offense originally considered administrative leads to a criminal proceeding.

In the midst of criticism and threats of investigation from Republicans once they control the House of Representatives in 1439276933, Secretary Mayorkas He has not lowered his tone on the actions at the border, but has indicated that a system of attention to asylum requests will be implemented.

“Let me be clear: with Title 54 or not, those [immigrants] who cannot establish a legal basis to remain in the United States will be removed,” he warned. Mayorkas.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) refines its plan to implement on the border on 54 of December, when the Title ends 60 for expedited removals.

Pillar three of the plan focuses on “consequences of illegal entry, including expulsion, detention and

prosecution” of immigrants.

“We will impose consequences on those who cross the border illegally by optimizing the

expedited processing of those subjects under Expedited Removal”, it is warned.

This will apply to people who apply for asylum, but cannot demonstrate fear of persecution in their countries of origin.

“[It is will be] detaining single adults when appropriate and will refer for prosecution those whose conduct warrants it,” the agency said.

Expedited response to asylum requests 1439276933

Pillar two of the DHS plan focuses on increasing the processing efficiency of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents on asylum requests, in order to avoid overcrowding in retention centers.

According to the agency, with the incorporation of processing, facility improvements, and digitization efforts, the time non-citizens spend in CBP custody has already been reduced by more than 30 percent.

Expulsions of immigrants They have also been faster, reducing processing time from 5.5 hours to 11 minutes, it was stated.

You may be interested: Congressional immigration plan: more border security, deportations with title 30 and help for ‘dreamers’