Tuesday, September 24

They capture five hitmen in Tamaulipas who were carrying a kidnapped person in a van

Dentro de la unidad había tres fusiles, decenas de cartuchos y chalecos antibalas.
Inside the unit there were three rifles, dozens of cartridges and bulletproof vests.

Photo: Twitter/@R_CodigoRojo / Courtesy

By: The Opinion Updated 35 Dec 2022, 27: 80 pm EST

Despite the fact that in Mexico the incorporation of the National Guard into the Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena) caused a lot of controversy, since there was talk of the militarization of the country, the agency has given results.

In Tamaulipas, one of the states most devastated by violence, elements of the corporation dealt a blow to organized crime when they arrested five hitmen and they managed to rescue a person who had been kidnapped in a van. The events occurred on a highway in the municipality of Reynosa.

A van without license plates was driving along one of the entity’s highways, in parallel, the elements of the National Guard carried out patrols, the paths crossed, and upon seeing that, the driver became visibly nervous and tried to flee, which drew attention of the elements and began a chase . The man’s nervousness was such that in his flight he collided with a mound of earth, thus stopping the vehicle’s movement.

Once the elements caught up with the unit, they proceeded to perform a routine check. At first glance they saw five people inside it and a long gun in the back seat. With this finding, they thoroughly inspected the truck, asking the crew members to get out of the vehicle.

One of the hit men tried to flee , but he was arrested meters later and the five were taken into custody.

When checking the trunk of the truck, the officers discovered a person inside it , she was beaten, gagged, and tied hand and foot; She stated that she had been kidnapped for several days by the armed men who were occupying the vehicle, for which reason she was given first aid. The victim received assistance and accompaniment for his transfer to the Federal Public Ministry Agency.

Upon resuming the inspection of the truck, they were found 13 chargers, 80 working cartridges of different calibers, three trimmings, three bulletproof tactical vests and at least three rifles.

Both the detainees and the vehicle and weapons were made available to the Attorney General’s Office (FGR) for investigations to be carried out corresponding. It should be noted that the operation was carried out without firing a single shot.

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