Monday, September 23

Platanito clown causes controversy for the gloomy Christmas decoration of his house

La Opinión

By: The Opinion Updated 13 Dec
, 13: 60 pm EST

The clown Platanito, who a few days ago was in the eye of the hurricane for a tasteless joke he made about Debanhi Escobar, the young woman who was found dead inside a well in Nuevo León, made news again, but time for the gloomy decoration of his house for Christmas.

“The Christmas tree that my wife invented 😱😱😱 I loved it” reads the message with which he accompanied his video published on Instagram,

Thanks to his publication, which was set to the theme ‘The Christmas Tree’, we were able to notice that his tree, which is the traditional green color, was decorated with yellow lights and with a great variety of skulls, with scary clowns, with doll heads, with mummies, among others.

The tip of its tree was decorated with a human skull with its respective Santa Claus hat.

Anything that has deviated from the traditional decoration Christmas divided opinions on their social networks, not missing who They pointed him out for his lack of respect for the celebration.

“They have no idea what Christmas is, neither you nor your wife,” wrote one of his followers, to to which the clown was quick to reply: “Why don’t you go and chatm?” There were also those who expressed that their decoration was great, but for Halloween. “Very cool… but like for Halloween 🎃 💀 😂😂😂”, “Something out of the month I think 😂😂😂😂😂”, “Ahuevooo 😍 I recycle Day of the Dead decorations” and “That’s cool to reuse Halloween things and Day of the Dead”, are just some of the comments he received.

He also received messages from some celebrities, who congratulated him on his originality: “Precious!!! Tell your wife that I send all my respects… and kisses to both of you 😍”, wrote the actress Gaby Platas, while Talia from Aca Shore told her: “Wow this is super cool, a hug to both of you ❤️”.

There is no doubt that Platanito knows how to give something to talk about and generate controversy, just as he did with his Christmas tree.

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