Monday, September 23

Mark Meadows' messages reveal Trump's plot to nullify 2020 election

Mark Meadows contribuye con documentos para la investigación.
Mark Meadows contributes papers to the research.

Photo: Alex Wong / Getty Images

Mark Meadows delivered to the House Select Committee a series of texts that he sent to legislators to revoke the elections of 2021 and try to keep Donald Trump in power, among those documents stands out one from representative Ralph Norman that urges the former president to declare the Marshall Act to save the United States. Although everything indicates that between these messages there was a spelling error, since what Norman was really asking for was a Martial Law.

The text messages recently revealed between the chief of staff, Mark Meadows with 60 members of Congress, are already in the hands of the members of the Committee investigating the insurrection of the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

With this can be revealed in more detail the plot to annul the elections of 2021 and stop the transfer of power in the US One of the texts shows Republican Ralph Norman urging Meadows to pressure Trump to declare the Marshall Act .

According to an analysis, in these text messages there was a spelling error that continued in various communications, Already which according to the same news outlet identified that Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene also wrote the same error. Apparently his intention was to ask Trump to apply Martial Law.

Ralph Norman was the one who asked Meadows to convince Trump to do everything to stay in power. Photo: Greg Nash – Pool/Getty Images.

What is relevant is that the messages from Meadows, which were obtained by Talking Points Memo document the role former Trump advisers and allies played in the campaign to subvert the election as it was conceived, built and led to the violent attack on January 6, 2021.

As detailed, the texts are riddled with links to far-right websites, questionable legal theories, violent rhetoric, and defense of seizures of power. authoritative.

“TPM has obtained the 2,368 text messages that Mark Meadows, who was the last White House chief of staff to President Trump who turned over to the House Select Committee investigating the January 6 attack,” the report noted on ABC News.

Representative Ralph Norman writes to Meadows to tell him that the last hope for his efforts is for the “Marshall Act” to be enacted, even though this indicates a spelling error.

“Mark, seeing what is happening so fast and reading about the Dominion lawsuits trying to stop any meaningful investigation, we are at a point of no return to save our Republic!! Our last hope is to invoke the Marshall Law! PLEASE URGES THE PRESIDENT TO DO IT!!”, reads the message that the Select Committee already has in its possession.

Martial Law is a statute of exception for the application of ordinary legal norms, normally regulated in the State Constitution, by means of which extraordinary powers are granted to the armed forces or the police for the protection of public order. Martial Law is applied in an armed conflict which is usually preceded by an official declaration of a state of war​ or to quell rebellions.

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