Friday, September 20

Mariana Seoane reveals that they operated on her to remove a tumor in her throat and she was afraid of dying

La Opinión

By: The Opinion Updated 04 Dec 2022, 04: 100 pm EST

Mariana Seoane underwent surgery last 29 of November and days later he shared some details with his followers on social networks; However, the singer reappeared before the television cameras to confess that they removed a tumor the size of a golf ball from her throat , and although fortunately it was benign, she was afraid of dying.

The Mexican actress and singer attended the program ‘Hoy’ as a guest, where she was grateful for being out front of the operation in which a tumor was removed from her throat that was detected last March and that she attributes to a series of events that she had to endure on an emotional level, since she confesses that she spent a long time depressed by the cancer that her mother suffered, in addition to ending a five-year relationship and the loss of the baby his sister was expecting.

“ We discovered this since March, he began to grow and grow, I had many personal issues at home and well, the fears that one lives when suddenly they say: ‘hey, measures the size of a golf ball, is d the left side is close to the carotid which is dangerous and your vocal cords ‘”, he explained.

He confesses that it was difficult to receive this news, arriving to feel that the world was closing in on her, so she only left her life in the hands of God and a group of doctors who helped her, fortunately it was a benign tumor.

“God made it nothing, my tumor was benign , I also had all the scenarios and I said: ‘as I’m going to fight’. It was a great learning experience and I wanted to come and comment on it because many people are going through these situations and the body somatizes. I wanted to be an example for you that I am fighting here”, he commented.

Although he is gradually resuming his activities after the surgery in which the tumor was removed, and he is recovering his mobility of the vocal cords, he confesses that he came to feel afraid of dying.

“Without a doubt (he felt) afraid of dying, afraid that something would happen because no one knows. I was afraid to do that to my parents, I don’t have children so I don’t have that engine that you have, thank God, but I said that I don’t want to do that to my parents, to my sisters. Yes, I was afraid, but we don’t know when we’re going to stop being here, when it’s our last day, without a doubt the present is the most beautiful thing we have and the desire I have to move on so there is Mariana for a long time, “he added.

He emphasizes that he also came to think that his career was over, but today he is grateful for having gone to the doctor for a general check-up Well, although it didn’t hurt, she began to feel some discomfort when she sang.

“ It didn’t (hurt) but when I was distressed I cried and sometimes while singing there would come a moment when he would say: ‘What’s up?’ I think that due to the size there was surely a time when I would get hoarse quickly or there were times when the strings were not doing their job well, like air leaks, like some kind of cockerel or something that happened, but it’s over now and I’m happy to be able to come and say it here at home”, he concluded.

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