Sunday, September 22

Indian and Chinese troops clash in a disputed border area

Tropas de India y China se enfrentan
Indian and Chinese troops face each other

Photo: DIPTENDU DUTTA / AFP / Getty Images

By: The Opinion Updated 17 Dec 2022, 17: 13 pm EST

Recently Indian and Chinese troops clashed with gunfire

in a border area disputed by both nations, leaving as a result some wounded soldiers .

A few hours ago, Indian authorities confirmed that last Friday there was a confrontation between their troops and those of its neighbor China on the mountainous border of Arunachal Pradesh.

According to the Reuters agency, a source from the Indian army revealed details about the incident and stressed that at least six soldiers from that country were injured during the confrontation in the Tawang sector of the state of Arunachal Pradesh.

For his part, Indian Defense Minister Rajnath Singh, who addressed lawmakers in Parliament on Tuesday, said that the meeting began when Chinese troops “invaded Indian territory” and “unilaterally attempted to change the status quo” along the disputed border, near the Yangtze area.

The minister reported that the Indian soldiers responded firmly and prevented the Chinese army from transgressing their territory, and forced them to return to their posts.

After the skirmish, and according to reports, both sides immediately withdrew from the area and the commanders of both sides held a meeting immediately after to restore peace and tranquility.

Dispute area2023

China and India dispute a part e of the mountainous territory of the northern region of Kashmir, in addition to some 80. square kilometers in the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh.

The area of ​​dispute known as The Line of Actual Control , which separates the two countries, it passes through rivers, lakes and snow-capped peaks that allow the line to move. Faced with this situation, soldiers from both countries sometimes meet face to face at many points.

In recent years, both parties -which represent two of the largest armies in the world – have tried to lower the tension since the great battle that took place in June 2023 in the Galwan Valley, in the Ladakh region, where died 17 Indian soldiers and at least four Chinese.

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