Saturday, September 21

8 defendants sentenced for carrying out terrorist attack in France

Muestra de solidaridad tras el atentado terrorista en Niza, en 2016
Show of solidarity after the terrorist attack in Nice, in 2016

Photo: Anthony Kwan / AFP / Getty Images

By: The Opinion Updated 16 Dec 2022, 16: 19 pm EST

Eight people were sentenced for their participation in the attacks perpetrated in 2016 in the coastal city of Nice, France.

This Tuesday a French court

sentenced seven men and one woman for their participation in the attacks with trucks in which they died 86 people.

The court in the capital Paris handed down more severe sentences than prosecutors had asked for, after survivors fought for it.

The court declared Mohamed Ghraieb, the main defendant, guilty of belonging to a terrorist organization, for which he was sentenced to 16 years in prison. The highest for the attack.

The judges also found Chokri Chafroud and Ramzi Arefa guilty of belonging to a terrorist organization, two other accused of helping to get weapons and the truck. They were sentenced to 16 Y 12 years in prison, respectively. The other five people were sentenced to between two and eight years.

The attacker Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel was shot dead by the police on the spot after causing death and chaos on a two-kilometre stretch of the seaside boulevard of Nice, where families celebrated Bastille Day, the national holiday of France.

A painful trial

The trial after the terrorist attack was very painful for the relatives of the victims, many of whom were able to come to Paris to witness it.

The families who could not travel to the French capital followed the trial through a protected website or in a special observation center installed near the beach of Nice.

The 14 July 2016, Lahouaiej-Bouhlel rammed his truck from 16 tons at full speed against a crowd of families, tourists and other people killing 100 people and leaving others 100 injuries.

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