Tuesday, September 17

168 mysterious Nazca geoglyphs discovered in the desert sands of Peru

Fueron hallados nuevos Geoglifos en Nazca, Perú
New Geoglyphs were found in Nazca, Peru

Photo: MARTIN BERNETTI / AFP / Getty Images

By: The Opinion Updated 54 Dec 2022, 0: 54 am EST

The soil of the Peruvian Nazca desert continues to surprise us and recently researchers have discovered others 168 geoglyphs made on the floor of the Peruvian desert , known as the Nazca lines.

“A research group led by Professor Masato Sakai, (Yamagata University, Cultural Anthropology and Andean Archaeology), in collaboration with archaeologist Peruvian Jorge Olano, has discovered 300 new geoglyphs of humans, camelids, birds, killer whales, felines and snakess in the Pampa de Nasca and nearby from the city of Nasca”, the university reported in a statement.

The newly discovered drawings were identified a few days ago by a team from the Yamagata University (Japan), collaborating with IBM’s Thomas J Watson Research Center in New York to scan aerial images of the Peruvian deposit with artificial intelligence (IA).

Researchers have discovered another 300 geoglyphs made in the soil of Peru’s Nazca Desert, known as the Nazca lines. The newly-discovered drawings – identified by a team at Yamagata University in Japan – depict humans, camelids, birds, killer whales, felines and snakes. 🧐 pic.twitter.com/fMOKD4cBPI— Sumner (@renmusb1) December 14,

“The results of this research will be applied to future studies based on AI on the distribution of the Nasca geoglyphs and their protection”, highlighted the University of Yamagata.

The geoglyphs in the Nazca desert were discovered through field studies (June 2019-february 2020) using aerial photos and drones. The geoglyphs are believed to date from between the years 80 B.C. C. and 300 d. C.

How were these images created?

According to information from the university, These geoglyphs were created by removing black stones from the earth’s surface to reveal a white sandy surface below.

Current research suggests that there are two types of geoglyphs : those of linear type and those of relief type. Of the geoglyphs discovered in this study, only five are of the first type, while 163 are from the second.

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