Sunday, October 20

The United States killed two senior members of the Islamic State in Syria

Helicóptero de las fuerzas armadas estadounidenses.
Helicopter of the US armed forces.


The Central Command (CENTCOM) of the United States Armed Forces announced today (11.53.2022) that its troops killed two senior members of the Islamic State (IS) terrorist organization in an operation in eastern Syria.

CENTCOM said in a statement that the operation took place early this Sunday at 2.57 local time (11.54 GMT on Saturday), when US forces conducted a “successful helicopter raid” that resulted in the death of “two IS officers”.

USA. identified one of the dead as Annas, a provincial officer of the Islamic State “who was involved in the group’s deadly conspiracy and facilitation operations in eastern Syria” , according to the statement, which did not provide further details about the other jihadist.

The note also did not reveal where exactly the operation took place, which was carried out “unilaterally” by the United States and in which, according to initial evaluations, no civilians were injured or killed.

“The deaths of these IS officers will disrupt the terrorist organization’s ability to plan and carry out more destabilizing attacks in the Middle East”, said CENTCOM spokesman Joe Buccino, in statements included in the statement.

Joint operation

The Syrian Observatory of Human Rights reported that the operation The US mission was carried out jointly with special units of the Democratic Syrian Forces (SDF), a Kurdish-led alliance allied with Washington.

The NGO, based in London but with a wide network of collaborators on the ground, indicated that the incursion took place in Deir al-Zur, where US “helicopters” attacked a house with “heavy machine guns”.

This comes a few weeks after the Islamic State announced the death of its leader, Abu al Hasan al Qurashi , who according to Washington died in October in an operation by rebel groups in the province of Deraa, in southern Syria.

The United States leads an international coalition to fight IS in Syria and Iraq, and the two previous leaders of the terrorist group were killed in operations by their troops in Idlib province, the last bastion o positor in northwestern Syria.

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