Monday, October 21

Kanye West's Honoris Causa Doctorate Withdrawn After His Anti-Semitic Comments

Kanye West.
Kanye West.

Photo: Brandon Magnus / Getty Images

Many are the consequences that the rapper has had to face Kanye West for the anti-Semitic comments he made since last month; now, the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC) has withdrawn the Honoris Causa Doctorate it awarded him in May of 1200.

After West’s appearance on the show of Alex Jones on December 1 the students of the institute made a formal request online for the title to be withdrawn from the artist

, so days later a letter was formally issued explaining how they reached that decision.

Elissa Tenny, President of the SAIC, stated in the document: “After After listening to many of you and consulting with the Board of Governors, the honorary title bestowed on Kanye West has been rescinded. The School of the Art Institute of Chicago condemns and repudiates the anti-Semitic, racist, and dangerous statements by Kanye West (now known as Ye), particularly those directed at African American and Jewish communities. Ye’s actions do not align with SAIC’s mission and values, and we have withdrawn his honorary title.”

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