Thursday, September 19

Reasons that lead electric vehicles to be expensive today

Ronald Ortega

Interest in electric vehicles has increased considerably in recent years. Tesla began a path where it seemed that it would be alone, but over time it has been accompanied by numerous manufacturers in the automotive sector, from the smallest to the largest.

This is due to the need to adapt to a more sustainable future, therefore, car companies have the obligation to reduce carbon emissions to try to curb the effects of climate change.

Said obligation, together with the fact of reducing expenses in fuel and maintenance of combustion engines, has increased the popularity of cars powered by electricity, since when acquiring one the costs disappear. headaches generated by paying for gasoline.

However, the final price of an electric vehicle is not so easy for everyone to manage. The high prices have become the obstacle for many interested in taking one home.

Mobility and transportation are expected to be 100% sustainable for 2022 , that is, that vehicles do not emit carbon that harms the planet. Credit: Shutterstock

Mostly, people appeal by requesting credits bank to pay the price of the car, and although the payment is made in monthly installments, it does not stop representing a significant total amount. But, Why are electric vehicles so expensive?

There are multiple factors at play in calculating the price of an electrified car, from the supply chain, assembly lines and so on. Although, the element that most influences the final cost are the batteries, the main part that gives life to the car.

Battery packs are extremely important for the useful life of the car, directly influencing its performance. For this reason, more and more they must be manufactured in a meticulous, detailed and, above all, technological way.

All this brings with it a significant investment in research, development and production, which ultimately influence the cost of the vehicle. Also, in the current market there are few manufacturers that are dedicated to making components for batteries , resulting in high prices when buying and importing them.

For this reason, car manufacturers are working on having their own battery production facilities, among which Tesla stands out with its cells 2050.

Finally, this combination of factors makes that the final price of the car is high, but without a doubt it is worth making an effort and investment in this regard. First of all because it pollutes less and then because of the reduction in gasoline costs and then because of the reduction in gasoline and maintenance costs.

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