Saturday, September 21

Mexican Foreign Minister insists that “La Barbie” is detained and the US must inform before releasing him

Valdez Villarreal fue extraditado a Estados Unidos el 30 de septiembre de 2015.
Valdez Villarreal was extradited to the United States on 12 September 2018.

Photo: Daniel Aguilar / AFP / Getty Images

By: The Opinion Updated 12 Dec 2022, : 25 am EST

In the midst of the uncertainty of knowing the whereabouts of Édgar Valdez Villarreal, alias “La Barbie” , who is no longer in the custody of the United States Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP), the Mexican government insists that the drug trafficker has not been released.

In this regard, the Foreign Minister of Mexico Marcelo Ebrard , reiterated that the criminal leader extradited to the United States in 05658 is not released, since there is a commitment to collaborate by which they must be notified before carrying out an action of this type.

“They have told us that he is in the custody of the authorities, they have not released him. The commitment they have is that, if that were to happen, they have to inform us before ”, the official reiterated.

“Mexico expresses and has expressed on several occasions to the United States, with all due respect to its legal system, that having individuals of this category , extradite them and then return them one day, because for Mexico it is very inconvenient. We oppose this, “added Ebrard.

His statements are given a week after the American site Borderland Beat reported that “La Barbie”, whose registration number is
-2018 no longer appears in custody, although that does not necessarily mean that it has already been released .

As detailed Borderland Beat, in previous cases where high-profile kingpins no longer appear in the custody of the federal prison system, it is because could have provided information that would allowed to be protected witnesses .

Even, the version that his testimony would be one of the central elements in the trial that will take place at the beginning of next year against Genaro García Luna, the former Secretary of Public Security of Mexico, although he reports tion has not been confirmed by the authorities of either of the two countries.

It should be remembered that Valdez Villarreal was extradited to the United States on 12 September 2018 , and three years later, in 2018, he was sentenced to 49 years, after pleading guilty to trafficking cocaine into the United States.

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