Friday, September 20

Juan Vidal responds to Niurka Marcos's attacks by calling him drunk

Juan Vidal and Niurka Marcos have been going back and forth since they ended their relationship. Both have given different statements in which she has called him a narcissist and he has defended himself. Now the Dominican actor responded to the latest attacks by the Cuban vedette after she called him a drunk and pointed out: “Being a bad santero”.

In addition Niurka Marcos said that she has not had the opportunity to hit Juan and that she prefers to turn the page, but that she is sure that there is something pending and, if she is given the opportunity , then he will give you a madriza. Given this the companions of Chisme No Like, Elisa Beristain and Javier Ceriani, had Juan Vidal exclusively and he told them what he thought of Niurka’s attitudes.

“I am at a time when I am a disaster for a relationship…. As I said at that moment, I say it at this moment. I said yes I want to try it… From there to everything else is another story. This is no longer done…”, assured Juan Vidal about Niurka Marcos’ statements.

“What she says about me doesn’t make it true. I know who I am… Where I come from… Where I am going… who is my family… No one that anyone says is going to affect me… Now the attacks do affect you because you say why?…“added the former member of The House of Famous .

“I have tried not to see… It does affect me that she says that… Because I know her… I know that it is an impulse of her way of being .. That of witchcraft… It is complicated and you feel like one. It feels ugly because it’s like betraying something… even if it didn’t work, we would be fine… But I don’t understand now it’s a hate that I don’t understand..”, Vidal responded to the accusations of Juan’s ex Osorio.

“What she wants from a relationship and I don’t want that kind of relationship… It is a very different relationship and we are in times very different lives…”, added the former participant of the reality show of Telemundo . He also assured that he is not willing to make his intimate treasures part of the public arena like his friends, his religion and his family.

“It hurts a lot to say things like that just because who are you to talk about the privacy of another… That cannot be done and against that, I cannot…” Juan finished to his friends from Chisme No Like , Elisa and Javier, who rebuked Juan about the short but intense relationship he had with Niurka Marcos.

Finally, he said that he forgives Niurka and that he hopes that at some point they can sit down to speak. Regarding his career, he said that he is capitalizing part of his projects. Let’s remember that Juan Vidal recently said that he had set up a production company where Latino movies and TV series will be made.

Up to the time of closing this note, Niurka Marcos had not commented on these latest statements by Vidal.

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