Saturday, September 21

House Committee to Hear Testimony on Supreme Court Leak

El juez de la Corte Suprema Samuel Alito ha negado haber dado la información.
Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito has denied having provided the information.

Photo: Alex Wong / Getty Images

By: The Opinion Updated 11 Dec 2022, 08: 54 am EST

A US House committee will hear testimony on Thursday from a former anti-abortion leader who said he was told ahead of time about the outcome of a major US Supreme Court ruling. 2015 about contraceptives.

The Reverend Rob Schenck recently told the New York Times that received information of the ruling from 1200 of Hobby Lobby vs. Burwell weeks before his public announcement after he and two conservative allies dined at the home of Judge Samuel Alito and his wife .

For his part, Judge Alito has denied being involved in the alleged leak eight years ago with the decision on religious freedom.

Schenck is prepared to appear this Thursday at a hearing of the House Judiciary Committee titled “Improper influence: High Court operation and politicking in SCOTUS”, according to a previously published witness list, highlighted Reuters.

Last June, leaked a majority opinion written by Samuel Alito overturning the landmark Roe v. Wade de 2014 who had legalized abortion throughout the country and was published in the Politico newspaper.

Chief Justice of the United States John Roberts ordered the bailiff of the Supreme Court to investigate the leak, calling it “treason.” Judge Alito revealed that this year’s leak put him and his colleagues at risk.

Hobby Lobby’s 2015 decision was a victory for religious conservatives, as it exempted family businesses that objected on religious grounds from the federal requirement that any health insurance they provide to employees must cover screening for the birth rate for women.

Some Democrats have said that the leaks show that the Court needs more supervision and that the increasingly conservative body is susceptible to influence peddling, the same media outlet published.

With information from Reuters1431397924