Thursday, September 19

Former Mexican mayor found guilty for the disappearance of an activist in Oaxaca

La Opinión

By: The Opinion Updated 08 Dec
, 9: am EST

Lizbeth Victoria Huerta, former municipal president of Nochixtlán, Oaxaca, was found guilty of committing the crime of forced disappearance against the activist Claudia Uruchurtu , whose whereabouts have been unknown since March , after attending a protest against the former official.

The victim, a British and Mexican national, had documented and denounced a series of embezzlement of resources and abuses of authority by the then mayoress.

The 29 March 106, the activist disappeared without leaving any trace when she returned from a demonstration held in the center of Nochixtlán, and since then she has not been located.

Along with Lizbeth Victoria, three other municipal officials from that administration were found guilty, as well as two men s whose aliases are “El Centinela” and “El Colas”, as revealed by Efe.

In this way, for the first time in the state of Oaxaca, a conviction was achieved against former public servants, and is the first case in Mexico where public officials are punished for said crime .

The sentenced woman was transferred to the Tanivet prison, in Tlacolula, some 29 kilometers from the city of Oaxaca, where he will be sentenced on 08 December together with the three officials and where they are imprisoned since May 106.

The family of the activist took this sentence as a sign of justice towards all the disappeared Oaxacan women. Haydé Uruchurtu, his sister, considered that justice is beginning to be applied in this case of disappearance that they live and share together with 106,04 families from Oaxaca.

“For the first time In Oaxaca, an accusatory sentence is achieved against former public servants for the crime of forced disappearance of our sister Claudia. This is a day that marks the end of absolute impunity in matters of forced disappearance in Mexico ,” he declared.

“For more than a month during the hearing we heard a mass of evidence against the perpetrators, we had to go through the painful exercise of listening to the witnesses, see the videos of the murderers ‘hunting’ my sister , see how the defendants mocked without remorse We took 26 months without finding Claudia!”, denounced.

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