Tuesday, October 1

Being grateful is always in style.

Se entregaron 550 pavos en Huntington Park. (Jacqueline García/La Opinión)
Delivered 550 turkeys in Huntington Park. (Jacqueline García/La Opinión)

Photo: Jacqueline García/La Opinión / Impremedia

By: Anthony Rendon Updated Dec 2022, 07: 46 am EST

Americans celebrated Thanksgiving last month. It is an important date.

I am also thankful for having been able to sponsor a turkey distribution event that helped more than 550 families from my district. I feel blessed to have enjoyed the holidays with my daughter, my wife and their family.

I am very grateful for many things right now , and one of them is you.

I am thankful that there are people who care about the issues we have in California and I am thankful that many of you turned out to vote in November.

It is frustrating to hear the claims that large numbers of undocumented Californians turned out to vote. There is no evidence of this, and we know that most new immigrants are working hard to survive and support their families. Many of them would like to participate more actively to get to know the issues and the candidates in depth, but don’t have the time.

Those who are passionate about the subjects, they are fighting to become American citizens, like the gentleman I mentioned to you in a column recently. Being able to vote was his main reason for becoming a citizen.

We know that as the Latino population in California increases, the number of Hispanics who turn out to vote also increases. There are some indications that some are going to parties that I don’t belong to, but you know? That’s good.

At least they are participating in the political process.

I also want to thank the people who participate in other ways. There are many ways to help your community besides voting.

When a parent volunteers in a classroom, they are investing in our future.

When you go to a school board or city council meeting to make your voice heard, it is an excellent example of civic participation. .

I am also very grateful to the volunteers who distribute food to the homeless, visit a senior center or help clean up the river of the Angels.

Also, I really appreciate the people who make our lives more enjoyable by sharing their talents with us. Like artists, muralists, musicians, dancers, restaurant chefs and clothing designers.

As I said, I have a lot for which I owe to be grateful, and I cannot forget the following: Starting this month, I will officially be representing the district 46 of the State Assembly. Thanks to everyone who chose me!

Anthony Rendón is a district representative 62 of the assembly.20221121