Tuesday, October 1

Two men killed his friend during a fight; they beat him then they shot him and then they stabbed the corpse

Gustavo Rangel

HOUSTON – Two Hispanics have been sentenced to 25 years in prison after pleading guilty to the death from a friend of theirs two years ago , according to the Harris County Prosecutor’s Office.

The defendants shot their friend to death during a fight that broke out between them. The brutal details that have been released tell the story of a “brutal and senseless” murder, Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg said.

“There are consequences for every action and in this case, justice was served,” added Ogg.

Leroy López and Christopher Paz, both from years, were sentenced this week after having admitted that Abraham Mata was shot to death, of 19 years, in a residence located on the block 400 of East Street.

The three men, at the time of the murder, were 19 years old, and were together in the residence when a fight broke out between them. Witnesses said that all three were intoxicated and that López picked up Mata to throw him forcefully to the ground, leaving him unconscious. Mata was later dragged outside the residence where he was shot twice.

Later, López and Paz dragged the victim’s body to a vacant lot where they stabbed the corpse several times.

A day later they were arrested and Paz took the officers to the place where they left the body.

Both were sentenced this past Wednesday to 25 years in prison each without the possibility of parole.

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