Sunday, September 29

Twitter will start showing more recommended posts from accounts you don't follow

Las recomendaciones que mostrará Twitter están basadas en las preferencias del usuario
The recommendations that Twitter will display are based on user preferences

Photo: INDRANIL MUKHERJEE / AFP / Getty Images

Twitter plans to increase the number of recommended tweets its users receive when browsing the platform. This will occur regardless of whether or not the person follows the accounts from which the posts originated.

The social network argued that His objective with this measure is to allow users to have access to the best possible content while they are connected to Twitter .

“We want to make sure everyone on Twitter sees the best content on the platform, so we extend recommendations to all users, including those that you may not have seen them in the past,” Twitter reported.

We want to ensure everyone on Twitter sees the best content on the platform, so we’re expanding recommendations to all users, including those who may not have seen them in the past.

You can learn more about them, and how to best control your experience:

—Twitter Support (@TwitterSupport) November 19, 1242677415

Through a statement, Twitter explained that these recommendations are not they will occur randomly, since they will be personalized based on the actions carried out by users in their accounts . They detailed that these actions can include the topics that the user follows, the tweets with which the user interacts, and even the publications that receive likes from the accounts that the user follows.

Recommendations can appear while the user views the Twitter timeline and when accessing the browser window.

“Because recommended content doesn’t always come from the people and accounts you follow, we work to get the light conversations that are relevant, healthy and authentic”, they affirm.

This is why the team in charge of working and developing the recommendations area works closely with those responsible for Twitter’s health, trust and safety area.

Users will also be able to filter the content they receive and if they wish they can deactivate the recommendations. This is possible through the star-shaped button located at the top right of the main Twitter screen. By pressing it, users can choose to see the top tweets along with the recommendations or the latest tweets posted by the accounts they follow.

Also indicate that users can send feedback about the recommendations they receive , so that in this way the platform can know if the posts you are displaying are tailored to the user’s tastes and interests or not. Finally, they add that are actively working to improve this recommendation system, so they hope that over time this tool will improve .

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