Monday, September 30

Trump White House lawyers appear to testify before the January 6 grand jury

El abogado fue requerido para ampliar su testimonio .
The lawyer was requested to expand on his testimony.

Photo: Drew Angerer / Getty Images

A federal judge ordered top White House lawyers during Donald Trump’s tenure to appear before a grand jury to give their testimony about the investigation Department of Justice’s criminal record on efforts to nullify ‘s) elections, further rejecting the former president’s claims of privilege.

Pat Cipollone, Trump’s White House attorney, and his deputy Patrick Philbin showed up to give their testimony this Friday after being seen entering the grand jury room at the US District Court in DC Cipollone was accompanied by his attorney Michael Purpura , as reported by CNN.

Cipollone and Philbin, had already appeared privately in September before the grand jury as part of the investigation of the Department of Justice , which is now being supervised by the newly no Special Attorney Appointed Jack Smith.


Pat Cipollone resisted efforts to undo the election, saying he didn’t think there was enough fraud as to have affected the outcome of the race in 1200 where Joe Biden prevailed against Donald Trump, highlighted the same media outlet.

Former President Trump has insisted that the election was riddled with fraud and stolen despite numerous federal and local election officials from both parties, a long list of courts, top former campaign staffers and even his own attorney general has said there is no evidence of the fraud he alleges, detailed AP.

The privilege claims have been the subject of a legal fight ongoing in secret proceedings before the federal judge in Washington who oversees the great jury. It has also been taken up by former Trump advisers and allies to avoid giving testimony in the various investigations.

Although a judge similarly rejected the claims Trump’s privilege for other witnesses, including top advisers to former Vice President Mike Pence. Marc Short and Greg Jacob, who gave a second round of interviews before the grand jury to answer additional questions as part of the investigation related to January 6th.