Saturday, September 28

Elon Musk kicks Kanye West out of Twitter; Ye had planned to give Nick Fuentes and Alex Jones his account

Elon Musk expulsa a Kanye West de Twitter; Ye tenía pensado entregar a Nick Fuentes y Alex Jones su cuenta

Photo: Patrick Pleul / Getty Images

Since Twitter unblocked Kanye West’s account the rapper has not stopped making intense anti-Semitic posts , which led to violating the rules of the social platform and there was no choice but to expel him.

“I did my best. Despite that, he again violated our rule against inciting violence. Account will be suspended,” Elon Musk wrote. Thursday night.

Ye, as West is now known, has repeatedly made anti-Semitic remarks in interviews over the past week and has shared a long series of controversial tweets, including an image of a swastika superimposed over the Star of David. “I’m sorry, but you’ve gone too far. This is not love”, Musk sent Ye in response to the image, according to a screenshot of their conversation that Ye shared on Twitter before his suspension.

Prior to the clash, The rapper said he planned to give Holocaust denier Nick Fuentes and right-wing conspiracy monger Alex Jones the passwords to his Twitter account, in protest against Elon Musk’s stance that he will not allow Jones to return to the platform after a ban by 1200.

“I have a Twitter account and today I’m going to have Nick and Alex tweet from my account”, said West on Jone’s Infowars show where he also spoke repeatedly about his love for Hitler and the Nazis.

Fuentes, adviser to the presidential campaign of West , added “I find it a bit hypocritical that Elon Musk said he was buying Twitter to create a free speech environment. He says free speech is what it’s all about to save the West and our civilization, but, he has opposed you, Alex, for some seemingly specific reason, perhaps personal to him, but certainly not out of principle.”

After these statements, Fuentes took Ye’s account and wrote “Christ is King — America First, GROYPER! – NJF”, read one tweet, an apparent reference to Fuentes, a Holocaust denier, and his reactionary supporters.” The rapper confirmed that the message was from his campaign adviser “I love the first amendment! Love, you live!”

Up to now, Ye has not expressed itself regarding the closure of his account just at the moment he needs her the most after uncovering his political aspirations.