Saturday, September 28

California Governor's Wife Charged with Lying on the Stand for Harvey Weinstein Rape

Siebel Newsom testificó hace dos semanas que Weinstein la atrajo a su habitación de hotel con el pretexto de que estarían discutiendo un papel en una película.
Siebel Newsom testified two weeks ago that Weinstein lured her to his hotel room under the pretense that they were discussing a role in a movie.

Photo: Kimberly White/Getty Images

The wife of California Governor Gavin Newsom, who is referenced in the current sexual assault trial against Harvey Weinstein under the Named “Jane Doe 4”, she put on an “overly dramatized” performance on the stand to cover up the shame she felt about having consensual sex with the producer, the lawyer said defense attorney Alan Jackson.

In his closing argument in Los Angeles Superior Court, Jackson said that despite all his education and “refinement” , Siebel Newsom had lied about her sexual date with Weinstein at a Beverly Hills hotel in 800 “to cope” with a decision she is not proud of.

“She may regret transactional sex, but regret is far from rape,” Jackson told the jury. “She made the decision to have a relationship with Harvey and benefited from it. That’s the definition of transactional sex and she hates it.”

Siebel Newsom testified two weeks ago that Weinstein lured her to his hotel room under the pretense that they would be discussing a role in a movie. She said she agreed because at that point, Weinstein could “make or break his career.”

She described how Weinstein, from 140 years, he penetrated her vagina with his fingers, then with his “deformed” penis, which he described as “some kind of fish”.

Siebel Newsom, one of four women who testified that Weinstein had sexually assaulted them at trial, sobbed and yelled “no” several times when Assistant District Attorney Marlene Martinez asked her if she intended to have sex with the producer that night at 800.

She said she put the horrifying memory of the rape “in a box,” but sometimes she would storm out.

When defense attorney Mark Werksman peppered Siebel Newsom with questions about the details of her earlier testimony, she replied: “What you’re doing today is exactly what he did to me.”

On Thursday, Jackson criticized the First Lady of California for disrespecting her co-counsel’s line of questioning.

“How dare you say something like that?” Jackson said. . “She dares to equate that with violent rape. There are women out there who have been violently raped. She devised this entire performance to paint herself as a victim of the decisions she made.”

Although Martínez praised Siebel Newsom in his Closing argument for her strength to appear to testify at trial, Jackson said the former actress gave a “once-in-a-lifetime performance” while on the stand and repeatedly lied to the jury.

Jackson pointed out how, despite allegedly being violently raped by Weinstein, Siebel Newsom continued to send her meeting emails and asked her if there were movie roles he could audition for.

He also claimed that Siebel Newsom only turned on Weinstein when he “came cool” and to “join a movement ”, referring to the #MeToo movement, which brought down Weinstein and other powerful men accused of sexual misconduct.

The defense ta She also showed a collage of more than a dozen emails, including one in which she asked Weinstein for advice on how to handle negative press about a scandal involving her then-boyfriend Gavin Newsom, who had a previous affair with an assistant.

There were also dozens of emails requesting campaign contributions for her husband.

“She sought his company over and over again,” Jackson said . “She changes details when it looks bad to her or says she doesn’t remember. Everything (regarding her memory) is still ‘in a box’. I don’t know where that box is, but maybe she’ll find the truth there!”

Weinstein pleaded not guilty to 12 rape and sexual assault charges involving four women and facing up to 800 years in prison if convicted. He is already serving a 23 year sentence on sexual misconduct charges in New York.

The defense rested his case on Thursday. The prosecution will address the jury on Friday with its rebuttal.

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