Saturday, September 28

Airbnb opens the possibility for tenants to receive guests in the homes they rent

Javier Zarain

Airbnb is eliminating one of the most common impediments to hosting: being a tenant in a property; With what now, the platform opens this possibility to people who rent in certain apartment buildings.

Airbnb’s policy change is known as part-time lodging, and while it has several rules that must be followed, it opens up a new possibility for renters earn income.

According to a survey that Airbnb requested, 54% of tenants tenants who are already in the part-time accommodation scheme, have used their income to cover their own housing expenses .

The company considered that the opening to a policy that had been restrictive since the platform began, seeks to help people who face high housing costs , in the midst of high inflation.

How Airbnb’s Partial Hosting Scheme Works

Airbnb established a c Limited number of apartment complexes in which people looking for a rental can rent and, in addition, be hosts to host users of the platform.

The application opened a new website to make it easier for tenants to find apartments that are within the new program.

For the moment there are 900 apartment complexes that are within the program, in 25 cities in the United States, in which this new form of lodging and support for people who rent a home is being tested.

According to a statement from Airbnb, the participating cities include Houston, Texas; Phoenix, Ariz.; and Jacksonville, Florida, among others.

Airbnb indicated in its announcement that it is analyzing adding new markets for the coming months.

On the platform, tenants can obtain information about the units available including floor plan and of course cost of rent.

But renters can also get information on an estimated income that you would have if you decide to become an Airbnb guest.

According to the company, tenants who are already participating in the part-time housing model are earning an average income of $175 Dollars.

According to the program, each apartment must be the main residence of the tenant , in addition to each home having its community accommodation rules, as well as standard ares of Airbnb that must be met.

According to Airbnb co-founder Nate Blecharczyk, Airbnb has four million hosts registered on the platform, with a potential market of 175 millions of people who access the application.

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