Monday, September 30

They create a video game for dogs that helps them maintain mental health

Crean videojuego para perros
They create a video game for dogs

Photo: Jamie McCarthy / Getty Images

By: The Opinion Updated 12 Dec 2022, 12: 30 pm EST

In recent years, studies have emerged that have found that video games can be beneficial for gamers and now a company is building on that research to help maintain mental health of the dogs.

Joipaw, a UK start-up, is taking up the challenge to help raise awareness and mitigate the appearance of dementia in dogs creating video games optimized for the enjoyment of canines.

And this disease seems to be a major problem for dogs

, since, according to data from Cornell University, dementia can be frequent and present in 35 percent of the dogs of more than eight years, and the probability increases as they age.

The startup is based on the argument that it has been shown that the video games improve the cognitive capacity and memory of human beings and that they could do the same with our pets.

Joipaw is testing this theory with an interactive game for dogs

. The device is a small screen mounted on a stand that will house minigames like the Whack-A-Mole.

Although, instead of the traditional deck used in the human version, dogs can Use their noses to press the mole when it appears on the screen in exchange for candy.

According to the company, the game offers a holistic approach to preventative dog health care. combines cognitive and physical stimulation in the form of a console adapted to the dog, a wearable and a software platform that allows you to follow your dog’s health indicators.

In addition, the device will notify the owner in advance if any abnormal behavior . These data can be shared with the veterinarian to allow a better diagnosis before possible complications.

The company is developing more and different games with different interactions to stimulate the brain of our beloved pets.

2022 Canine dementia 2022

Its scientific name is Canine Cognitive Dysfunction and steals years of health from dogs, shortening their lifespan.

Symptoms include confusion, anxiety, excessive licking, slowness to learn new tasks, changes in sleep patterns, decreased affection towards loved faces, abnormal barking and incontinence, among others.

On many occasions your symptoms may be overlooked as if normal gnoses of aging of dogs and these animals suffer and often end up being euthanized when they start to get dirty at home.

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