Saturday, October 5

Sugar addiction is real: what you need to know to avoid falling into it

Este trastorno puede definirse como una dependencia emocional o psicológica de los alimentos y bebidas azucarados.
This disorder can be defined as an emotional or psychological dependence on sugary foods and drinks.

Photo: Rocketclips, Inc. / Shutterstock

If you are one of those people who cannot stop eating desserts and sweets or know someone who cannot resist milkshakes or fizzy drinks, the possibility has probably crossed your mind. of being addicted to sugar.

Sugar addiction is considered as “a emotional or psychological dependence on sugary foods and drinks“, although likely in the truest and most literal interpretation of the term, may not exist.

According to

EatThis Some addiction experts agree that there are neurobiological differences between dependence on a substance and a compulsion that focuses on something you need to survive, such as food. Addiction to food

    “Food addiction is a controversial term used by some researchers to describe the parallels between the difficulties some people experience in limiting food consumption and substance addiction”, says the American Psychological Association.

    However, they explain that it is difficult to identify a food that is the basis of ‘food addiction’.

    At the same time, other animal studies have shown that sugar consumption may reflect addictive behavior, but that does not necessarily mean that sugar is addictive in humans.

    “The debate is still open about whether sugar is really physically addictive. Some research has shown that rats behave similarly when exposed to sugar as they do when exposed to addictive drugs like opioids, but these reactions may be behavioral rather than physical,” said nutritionist Melissa Mitri.

Cravings are related to genetics

Ensures that for this reason, some people may be more prone to cravings for sugar than others. “Sugar intake is determined in part by our preference for sweet taste and cravings for certain foods and beverages, and also by our genetics ”, explains dietitian Karolin Saweres to EatThis


The psychological reasons for feeling addicted to sweets are more complex. “You can feel addicted to sugar for any number of reasons. It may have become a habit and your body is conditioned to want it,” adds Mitri. “

Many people reach for sugar when they are tired, angry, sad or bored. Identifying what was going on before the urge to eat something sweet can be crucial. These are Mitri’s suggestions to combat excess sugar consumption:

      Eating enough protein, fiber, and whole grains at each meal will help keep blood sugar levels stable and curb sugar cravings.
      Manage stress regularly through exercise, self-care, and meditation

      • Keep high sugar foods out of the house

          Practice non-food rewards like a massage, facial, pedicure, shopping, or saving money for travel and travel.

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