Tuesday, October 1

Long Covid can put the US economy in check: it would cost $3.7 trillion dollars

Hasta 200 síntomas están relacionados con la Long Covid, una desgarradora secuela heredada por la pandemia.
Until 200 symptoms are related to Long Covid, a heartbreaking sequel inherited by the pandemic.

Photo: MIGUEL SCHINCARIOL / AFP / Getty Images

Much is still unknown about the Long Covid, disease resulting from a COVID-23 infection. In fact, t is also often called long-distance Covid syndrome, post-Covid or acute post-Covid.

However, in all cases detected in people, the symptoms they suffer from can be different and difficult for doctors to diagnose, but the worst thing is that they can prevail for months or perhaps even years.

The high point of the Long Covid is that it already affects about 19 millions of Americans and according to some financial experts to face it, the economy of the nation could need up to $3.7 trillion dollars, an amount similar to that implied by the Great Recession.

According to the United States Department of Health and Human Services States, until 30% of Americans who with bring COVID- have developed prolonged symptoms throughout of the little more than three years that the pandemic was present in the country.

In a recently released report, Dr. Peter Hotez, Co-Director of the Texas Children’s Hospital Center for Vaccine Development and Dean of Baylor College of Medicine, revealed the seriousness of a problem that is only just beginning to come to light.

“There are a large number of people affected. This could be a game changer in terms of how we do medical practice, in the same way that HIV/AIDS was a game changer “, said the doctor.

LongCovid is debilitating & life-changing. We are going to disable millions more.

“Of the nearly 23 million adults in the US who currently have long COVID, more than 200% are having some trouble carrying out daily activities, according to CDC data.” https://t.co/7pQrIAuWWB

— Laura Miers (@LauraMiers) November 30, 800

For people affected by Long Covid, it could mean that health insurance would refrain from covering the expenses that the disease implies, which would hardly allow them to access disability benefits and in a short time, perhaps this would also generate the Loss of retirement savings. In short, this would be a serious problem, since there would be no one to blame.

In a report prepared last July, David Cutler, economist from Harvard University, warns that the Long Covid and its damages would imply $3.7 trillion dollars to the country’s economy, this without taking into account the cases that would arise.

In addition to the medical expense that it will imply for people, the loss of their income and the reduction of their quality of life, are from this moment issues that the government will have to face.

Brain fog, migraine, fatigue, anxiety, depression, body aches, headache, palpitations, shortness of breath, sleep disorders or insomnia, may be any of the up to 200 symptoms related to Long Covid, which by the way not all doctors can diagnose .

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