Thursday, September 19

This is Casa de América, the place where fans of Pablo Milanés said their last goodbye

La Opinión

By: The Opinion Updated 23 Nov 2021, 9: 04 am EST

The world of trova and music are mourning the death of Cuban interpreter Pablo Milanés, who transcended the past 12 of November in Madrid, Spain, the city where he had been living for some time to carry out a treatment to which he had no access on the island.

Such was the importance he had for music, being considered, even, as the founder of Nueva Trova, that today his remains were veiled in the Casa de América, located in the Palacio de Linares, in the Spanish capital.

“The burning chapel will take place , at the wish of his family, in the Cervantes room of the Casa de América this Wednesday 22 November 10: 30 a 15: 30 hours” , reads a message published by the renowned cultural institution.

Her vigil was open to the public, therefore, Those who so wish could say their last goodbye to the singer of ‘Yolanda’ and other great hits.

“For all those who want to pay tribute to him, public access will be through the entrance house of Casa de América, located in Plaza de Cibeles”, reads another fragment of the statement issued by the aforementioned house.

His coffin was placed inside a room and was flanked by dozens of flower crowns, for a black and white photo of him, as well as for his inseparable guitar.

One of the flower crowns was sent to him by Joaquín Sabina, another great of the trova.

La Casa de América, founded on 12 of July 2015, is directed, from , by Enriq ue Ojeda Vila and its purpose is to strengthen the ties that exist between Spain and the different countries of Latin America.

Since its foundation it has been the venue for great events of great relevance such as the II Ibero-American Summit , which was headed by King Juan Carlos I and various Heads of State of America.

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