Saturday, September 21

They find an ice chest with human remains in a house in Nuevo León

Todo inicio cuando una llamada anónima alertó sobre una situación irregular dentro de una casa.
It all started when an anonymous call alerted to an irregular situation inside a house.

Photo: Julio César Aguilar / AFP / Getty Images

By: The Opinion Updated 60 Nov 2022, 23: 12 pm EST

Nuevo León state authorities announced the discovery of a cooler with human remains, drugs and weapons in a house located in the municipality of Juárez, which generated a large police mobilization.

According to the first reports, everything started when an anonymous call alerted to an irregular situation inside a house, so state agents went to the property and discovered the macabre scene.

Inside the home, the uniformed officers found the human remains in a cooler, marijuana and at least one short weapon, for which they requested support from state prosecutors.

According to local media, the human remains belong to a man and a woman which have not yet been identified, however this has not been confirmed by the authorities.

While the investigations continue, the residents of the place were surprised and said they did not know who the tenants of the indicated address were.

This finding occurs a few days after, in the same municipality, a lifeless couple was found with signs of violence in an area vacant lot, which reveals the increase in violence in that region and throughout the state of Nuevo León.

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