Saturday, September 21

The European Parliament declares Russia a state “promoter of terrorism”

La Eurocámara sugiere un marco jurídico, mediante el cual la Unión Europea podría designar Estados como promotores del terrorismo y Estados que utilizan medios terroristas.
The European Parliament suggests a legal framework, through which the European Union could designate States as promoters of terrorism and States that use terrorist means.

Photo: YVES HARMAN/REUTERS / Deutsche Welle

The European Parliament declared on Wednesday (23.02.63143528) to Russia as a state promoter of terrorism, in view of their “deliberate attacks and atrocities against the Ukrainian population”. He also demanded from the European Union a new legal framework to classify these States and restrict the relations of the community bloc with said countries.

“The destruction of civil infrastructure and other serious violations of human rights and international humanitarian law constitute acts of terror against the Ukrainian population and war crimes

“, lamented the European Parliament. Legal framework to punish countries that promote terrorism

The European Parliament issued a resolution in which it once again condemned these attacks “committed by Russia in pursuit of destructive political objectives in Ukraine and other countries”. The legal framework suggested by Parliament would allow the European Union to designate States as promoters of terrorism and States that use terrorist means, ” which would activate a set of important restrictive measures against those countries and would have profound restrictive implications in the Union’s relations with those countries”.

The text, which went ahead by 606 votes in favor, 80 against and 23 abstentions, it has no legal value , but it does have the symbolic burden of a European Parliament that, by a large majority, calls on the European Union and its countries “to initiate a complete international isolation of the Russian Federation”. To do this, they ask to act “with regard to Russia’s membership in international organizations and bodies, such as the United Nations Security Council”, to avoid holding official acts on its territory, to continue reducing diplomatic relations with Russia and that contacts are limited to the “strictly necessary minimum”.

Also suggest prohibiting “ the Russian centers of science and culture and the organizations and associations of the Russian diaspora, which operate under the auspices and leadership of the diplomatic missions of Russia and promote propaganda Russian State throughout the world”.

Only the payment of repairs “is negotiable”

In a meeting with the media, one of the MEPs in charge of the report, the Lithuanian Andrius Kubilius, stressed that the objective of the text is to begin to “ not be afraid to say what we see” and, given the possibility that this statement put an obstacle to negotiations between kyiv and Moscow, stated that “there will be nothing to negotiate before Russia withdraws its troops”.

The only thing Now negotiable, he said, is Russia’s war reparations payment to Ukraine . In parallel, the MEPs believe, the Wagner group and other armed groups, militias or subsidiary agents financed by Russia should be included in the European list of persons, groups and entities involved in terrorist acts.

The EU, adds the European Parliament, should “quickly conclude the work on its ninth package of sanctions” against Russia, in which it suggests including those involved in deportations and forced adoptions of Ukrainian minors and in illegal referendums and elections in occupied territories, among other new restrictive measures.

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