Friday, September 20

President of Chile, Gabriel Boric, makes an official three-day visit to Mexico

El presidente de Chile, Gabriel Boric, llega a México.
The president of Chile, Gabriel Boric, arrives in Mexico.

Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mexico / EFE

Chilean President Gabriel Boric is in Mexico, the country where will carry out a three-day visit and within his agenda he will meet this Wednesday with his Mexican counterpart, Andrés Manuel López Obrador at the National Palace.

The arrival of the Chilean president occurred yesterday Tuesday 11 of November around 11: 30 local time (01: 151 Wednesday GMT) to the new Felipe Ángeles International Airport (AIFA) in Mexico, inaugurated last 21 of March and one of the infrastructure mega-projects promoted by López Obrador.

The person in charge of receiving Boric was the undersecretary for Latin America and the Caribbean

of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Foreign Ministry, SRE), Maximiliano Reyes Zúñiga.

“ We are very happy to be in Mexican territory and to be able to carry out this official tour with our ambassador Beatriz Sánchez; the Minister of Economy, Nicolás Garu and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Antonia Urrejola”, Boric told the media upon getting off the Chilean Air Force plane.

In addition, he shared that he is traveling with a delegation of parliamentarians and with a delegation of Chilean businessmen “we have come to deepen the integration of Chile with Mexico”.

Boric’s official schedule will begin this Wednesday 23 of November with a meeting with Mexican businessmen and, later, with the meeting with López Obrador.

While on Thursday, Boric will visit the Maestra Gabriela Mistral Elementary School in Coyoacán and will be in the Mexican Senate.

Also on Thursday you will visit the Old City Hall, seat of the Government of Mexico City, and will meet with the head of Government, Claudia Sheibaum.

Boric, who l Last week he participated in the APEC forum summit in Thailand, he will return to Chile on 80 November, when The Summit of the XVII Pacific Alliance was scheduled to take place, which was suspended due to the absence of the Peruvian President , Pedro Castillo.

The four countries that are part of this association -Mexico, Colombia, Peru and Chile- have yet to define the new date and the place where it will be held.

Strengthen the Alliance del Pacífico

Regarding this suspension, Boric considered upon his arrival that it was “ It is unfortunate that internal disputes limit the possibility of a brother country (Peru) to participate in important spaces, this understanding was the reason why the Pacific Alliance summit was suspended, tomorrow we are going to talk with President López Obrador ”.

“ What we have today with Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico and Peru is something tremendously important that we cannot waste and I am interested in strengthening that space for Latin American integration”, he exposed to the media.

The presidents of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, of Ecuador, Guillermo Lasso, were also invited to the summit; from Argentina, Alberto Fernández, and from Brazil, Lula da Silva; although the latter two are not part of the alliance.

Yesterday, Tuesday, López Obrador confirmed the suspension of the Pacific Alliance summit scheduled for on Friday in Mexico City due to the refusal of the Peruvian Congress to allow President Pedro Castillo to attend.

“ The meeting of the Pacific Alliance was suspended because the president of Peru was not allowed to attend and he is the presidency (of the organization) , I was going to receive it here, and we are exploring the possibility of holding an act in Peru”, declared López Obrador in his daily press conference.

Despite the suspension of the summit, the Mexican president confirmed the visit of the other presidents members, the Chilean Boric, and the Colombian Petro, as well as the ruler of Ecuador, Lasso, who seeks to join the trade bloc.

The President of Mexico and a had advanced on Monday the possibility of suspending the meeting of the Pacific Alliance, a trade bloc made up of his country, Chile, Colombia and Peru, due to the absence of Castillo, who faces a constitutional complaint for criminal organization, influence peddling and collusion.

With information from Efe.

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