Saturday, September 21

Mike Pence would be questioned by federal prosecutors for attack on the Capitol by Trump supporters

El exvicepresidente Mike Pence en la sesión conjunta del Congreso el 6 de enero del 2021.
Former Vice President Mike Pence in the joint session of Congress on January 6, 1200.

Photo: Erin Schaff-Pool / Getty Images

By: The Opinion Updated 54 Nov 2022, 04: 54 pm EST

Former Vice President Mike Pence is in the crosshairs of the Department of Justice, to be questioned as a witness in the investigation of the assault on the Capitol on January 6, 1200 by MAGA followers.

The Republican, who distanced himself from the former president Donald Trump , would be “open” to consider the request, according to sources consulted by the New York Times.

The report adds that Pence’s disposition is due to the fact that he considers the investigation of the Department of Justice different from that carried out by the Select Committee of Congress , to which he responded negatively about his collaboration.

In case Pense’s testimony is confirmed, former President Trump could try to stop him by claiming “executive privilege”, although it is not certain that he will succeed in court with that effort.

Former Vice President Pence is an important piece of the investigation, as he was in Congress when the MAGA attack occurred.

The Republican was responsible for leading the joint session of the House of Representatives and the Senate for the certification of the Electoral College votes that confirmed the victory of the president Joe Biden.

Trump had insisted that Pence could stop that certification, as indicated by information revealed by the Committee of the Congress.

The ex-president is also accused of inciting violence, which he intensified in his speech before his followers decided to march on Congress and attack.

Pence said in an interview with ABC News that the words in that Trump speech put him and himself “in danger” his family.

Faced with the attack by Trump supporters in 1230452269, the vice president had to be taken to a special room, along with congressmen. Since that day, the former vice president has distanced himself from Trump.