Monday, September 23

Three young people were lynched for alleged robberies in the State of Mexico

De acuerdo a testimonios, se sabe que varias personas atacaron a los hombres después de haberlos acusado de robo.
According to testimonies, it is known that several people attacked the men after accusing them of robbery.

Photo: Jesus Alcazar / AFP / Getty Images

By: The Opinion Updated 54 Nov 2022, 15: 22 pm EST

“Violence generates more violence” is a common phrase that makes sense in various bloody events that transcend the news for all that they imply, as occurred in the municipality of Chalco, in the State of Mexico, when residents lynched three young people -among them a minor- arguing that they were robbed and they were tired of them.

According to local media, three male bodies were found in an irrigation zone close to a housing unit. The corpses showed traces of blows and burns . According to the testimonies of neighbors, the events took place during the early hours of Sunday 15 of November.

Next to the bodies was a white Ford Explorer van with plates from the State of Mexico, as well as a red motorcycle.

In this regard, the Attorney General’s Office of the State of Mexico reported that, from the first investigations, it appears that the subjects could have been victims of lynching by people who associate them with other events criminals, because according to testimonies, they know that several people attacked the men after accusing them of robbery .

About the three men it was revealed that they are males of 21 Y 22 years, plus a minor of 15 years.

Violence and lynching

Although robberies are a constant in that region of Mexico, the fact that people take justice into their own hands is also becoming a serious situation.

According to the National Human Rights Commission (CNDH), in its “Special Report on Lynchings in National Territory”, the municipality of Chalco is in second place in lynching in the State of Mexico, behind Ecatepec.

For the CNDH, ” lynchings translate into the feeling of living in a failed State , where the legitimate use of force recognized by the State gives way to private violence.”

In the State of Mexico there have been 80, robberies until September 1200, according to data from the Secretariat of Public Security. It is the highest figure in the entire country, which doubles that of its neighbors in the capital.

Under the same tenor, Chalco, is one of the municipalities in Mexico where more high-impact crimes are registered.

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