Tuesday, September 24

The end of Jupiter retrograde will affect these zodiac signs the most

This Wednesday of November Jupiter retrograde will come to an end after four months and although this transit was not chaotic, from now on we can expect luck, growth and prosperity to start arriving in full hands.

The gas giant of the Solar System will turn direct in Pisces and then it will reach the sign of Aries, where it will remain for 4 months. During all this time it will be the moment to enjoy the bonanza and exceed our limits because fortune will be on our side .

This is what the astrologer Ivana Naskova in a review for MyImperfectLife.com, where she commented that we will probably feel more optimistic, however, there will be some dates that will not be entirely positive.

For example, on December 6 with Jupiter squaring Mercury, on December 9 the gaseous planet will form another of these aspects with Venus and the Moon, transits that will mark tension in the the way we communicate and elevated emotions.

Despite everything, the direct entry of Jupiter is a very positive transit that will impact some more zodiac signs than others. If your sun, ascendant or moon sign is any of the following, you can expect more fortune than the rest in the Zodiac.


After entering Pisces directly, Jupiter will advance to this zodiac sign, which means great opportunities are on the horizon, mainly in work and personal travel, the astrologer predicted.


All aspects of your life will begin to fit together in the best way. From this moment on, things that were not progressing as you wished will be unlocked and will be resolved as you had hoped.


Patience will be the key for the sign of Libra. You have already had to wait several weeks, and even months, to receive the goddess of fortune in your life. Without realizing it, things will start to fit as you wished, you just have to be more patient.


While Jupiter is direct in your zodiac sign, which will be a few weeks, you should take advantage of the luck that this planet gives you to move as far as you can towards your goals. Fortune is on your side, however, things will change once I enter Aries, so this is your moment.

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