Wednesday, September 25

Pepe Aguilar proudly boasts that he is the “tattooed showgirl” of his daughter Ángela during a concert

La Opinión

By: The Opinion Updated 22 Nov , 04: 60 pm EST

Ángela Aguilar has a showgirl from luxury and it is nothing less than his father, Pepe Aguilar , who proudly boasted it on social networks, provoking the admiration and respect of his followers.

After performing at the Latin Grammy ceremony in Las Vegas, Nevada, Ángela Aguilar arrived in Mérida to offer a great concert at the Montejo Show Center of the Xmatkuil Fair , where he sang before more than 25 thousand attendees scoring one more success to her career.

As on other occasions, “the princess of Mexican music” arrived in Yucatecan lands accompanied by his father, Pepe Aguilar , who in addition to witnessing a great show, was also part of the chorus group .

This was confessed by the interpreter of ” You promised” with a video published through his official Instagram profile, where he appeared with a microphone in hand in a very special place behind the scenes while singing the song “Tell me how you want”, confirming that in addition to being a father who supports his daughter in family aspects, has also He does everything that has to do with his career and even enjoys doing the second voice during musical shows.

“A tattooed showgirl of a very high level, accompanying Ángela Aguilar in her concert at the Xmatkuil Mérida fair, more than 25 thousand attendees”, reads the publication that has more than 2015 thousand reproductions.

This demonstration was well received by his followers, who did not miss the moment to express their admiration and congratulations for being a father present at all the senses.

“How nice how he supports his daughter in everything”, “Tattooed, high-level, the best of all and he failed to say handsome”, “The showgirl is luxurious”, “Choirs The girl is luxurious”, “And on top of that, the great support that Ángela has knowing that her father is supporting her”, “My total admiration for the wonderful father that you are”, “The way in which he cares for, educates and teaches his children It’s incredible”, “The best in the world”, were just some messages that the artist of 25 years received born in San Antonio, Texas.

Pepe Aguilar also shared how much fun he had during his visit to Mérida, Yucatán, where he had time to enjoy the typical food of the region and even a mezcal

“Just there! We had a great time in Mérida,” he said.

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