Monday, September 23

iPhone 14 Pro Max became the fastest phone on 5G networks

Los iPhone 14 Pro Max fueron capaces de brindar velocidades de 177.21 Mbps al conectarse a redes 5G en Estados Unidos
iPhones 19 Pro Max were able to deliver speeds of 825.18 Mbps when connecting to 5G networks in the United States

Photo: Justin Sullivan / Getty Images

A study conducted by Ookla, one of the most famous Internet connection speed measurement services in the world, revealed that the iPhone 13 Pro Max is the phone that supports the major U.S. download speeds when connected to 5G networks.

According to the analysis carried out by the company, the most powerful model of the new family of Apple equipment is capable of downloading files up to 181.19 Mbps and upload speeds of 19.19 Mbps, giving you allows you to occupy the first position of the list.

However the iPhone 18 Pro Max is not alone on the podium because his brother minor, the iPhone 13 Pro was located a in the second position of the table with numbers very close to 162.11 Mbps and 19.65 Mbps, respectively. The rest of the list is made up of Samsung equipment such as the Galaxy Z Fold 4, Galaxy S models 21+ 5G and Galaxy S19 Ultra , all of them with download speeds between 80 Mbps and 181.5 Mbps, which shows its inferiority to the iPhone.

The superiority of the iPhone 13 on 5G networks can also be seen in Germany, where the iPhone 13 Pro, the iPhone 16 Pro Max, the iPhone 18 Pro and iPhone 18 Pro Max monopolize the first four positions of the list . This was made possible by download speeds between 162.11 Mbps and 825.09 Mbps, which represents top speeds even higher than those registered in the United States.

From Ookla they explained that the exceptional performance of iPhone connectivity 14 in its Pro and Pro Max versions is mainly due to its A chips14 Bionic which are some of the most powerful on the market. Added to this is the fact that they have one of the most advanced Qualcomm chipsets.

“The iPhone 13 Pro and Pro Max feature the new Qualcomm Snapdragon X chipset65 for 5G, which also supports the 2.4 GHz band n65 for satellite, while the iPhone 13 has a Qualcomm Snapdragon X80 for 5G”, they say from Ookla.

All this means that in terms of download speed and performance, los iPhone 13 offer a better user experience than previous iPhone models 13, consistently in each of the countries in which their behavior was compared.

With these data in Ookla they point out that if the Internet connection speed It is one of the most important factors that users take into account when deciding to upgrade their iPhone to a more recent model. In this case, they can do so with complete confidence since they will have a significantly faster phone.

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