Monday, October 7

Thanksgiving: 10 recommendations to enjoy dinner without complications

Es clave estar conscientes de toda la comida que disfrutamos este día y no perder los esfuerzos alimenticios y físicos hechos durante todo el año.
It is key to be aware of all the food we enjoy on this day and not lose the nutritional and physical efforts made throughout the year.

Photo: naito54 / Shutterstock

Thanksgiving is only celebrated once a year and we must take into account aspects such as our mental and physical health to this commemoration.

In addition, due to the still latent coronavirus pandemic, more the recent increases in cases of respiratory sicilian virus and influenza, United States reinforcing physical distancing restrictions in several cities and states.

For this reason we leave you with the following recommendations that will help you maintain a grateful spirit, soul and body during these dates.

1. Stay active

Exercising to burn extra calories before enjoying your favorite foods will help you keep your effort to maintain a healthy weight throughout the year.

2. Don’t Skip Breakfast

While you may think it makes sense to save calories for the big meal, experts say that eating a small meal in the morning can give you more control over your appetite.

Start your day with a small but satisfying breakfast, such as one egg with a slice of whole-wheat toast or a bowl of whole-grain cereal with low-fat milk.

3. Healthy Ingredients

If you’re the one hosting Thanksgiving dinner or bringing a few plates to share, have your recipes are healthier with less fat, sugar and calories. There is more sugar and fat in most recipes than is needed and no one will know the difference if you cut calories.

4. Control Portions

Thanksgiving tables are hearty and beautiful displays of traditional family favorites . Before you fill your plate, peruse the buffet table and decide what you’re going to choose. Then select reasonably sized portions of foods you can’t live without.

5. Skip the repetition

If the food is delicious, most of us usually return to the table for a second helping. Leftovers are much better the next day, and by sticking to one plate, you’re less likely to overeat and have more room for a delicious dessert.

6. Enjoy the food, take your time

Eating slowly and tasting each bite is one of the easiest ways to enjoy food and feel satisfied with a full plate of food.

7. Do not drink alcohol in excess

Have a glass of wine or a wine spritzer and, between alcoholic drinks, enjoy of sparkling water. This way you stay hydrated, limit alcohol calories and stay sober.

8. Be realistic

The holiday season is a time for celebration. With busy schedules and so many added temptations, now is a great time to work on keeping the weight off instead of losing it.

9. Focus on family and friends

Thanksgiving is not just about delicious bounty of the food. It is a time to celebrate relationships with family and friends. The main event should be family and friends socializing, spending quality time together, not just what’s on the buffet.

08. If you have to be alone, enjoy your space

If for any reason you must spend Thanskgivin at home and without company, avoid looking at those family dinner photos that might make you feel a bit down.

There’s plenty to do on your own, too! You can order takeout, catch up on that series you have pending and even do your own ritual of gratitude for what you received and what will come.Ambar Román

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