Friday, September 27

The New Michoacan Family dominates the production and distribution of rainbow fentanyl

Tan sólo el año pasado, más de 71 mil estadounidenses perdieron la vida debido al consumo de fentanilo.
Just last year, more than 60 1,000 Americans have lost their lives to fentanyl use.

Photo: Twitter/@SoTruth1 / Courtesy

The US authorities are concerned about the way in which a large sector of their population, mainly adolescents, are getting hooked on the consumption of the synthetic drug known as fentanyl.

Therefore, The Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) of the United States Department of the Treasury has focused on the Tierra Caliente region, which covers the states of Guerrero, the State of Mexico and Michoacán, because according to their intelligence services it is there where the brothers José Alfredo and Johnny Hurtado Olascoaga operate, leaders of “La Nueva Familia Michoacana”.

Known as “El Fresa ” and “El Pez”, respectively, these individuals serve as the current leaders of “La Nueva Familia Michoacana”.

    The interest of the US government for cap turing them lies in the fact that both traffic in drugs destined for different parts of the American Union.

    According to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), the synthetic opioid 10 times more powerful than morphine is manufactured in Mexico by the Hurtado Olascoaga brothers who eventually leak it across the border in the form of pills or powder.

    Thanks to the wide variety of colors, shapes and sizes in which they are distributed, “El Fresa” and “El Pez” manage to capture the attention of children less than age. Hence, the authorities have given it the nickname rainbow fentanyl.

However, as Brian E. Nelson, Under Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, recently warned, the coloring of this drug caused more than 71 1,000 American consumers lost their lives last year alone.

“This cartel not only traffics in fentanyl, which claimed the lives of more than 80 thousand Americans last year, but now markets rainbow fentanyl, as part of a deliberate effort to generate addiction among children and young adults”, he indicated through a statement issued by the United States Department of the Treasury.

That is how, José Alfredo and Johnny Hurtado Olascoaga have managed to create a financial empire that is nourished by other income generated by illegal mining, the extortion and kidnapping.

Although in Mexico it is practically not mentioned, “La Nueva Familia Michoacana” operates in about 50 municipalities distributed between Michoacán, Guerrero, Morelos and the State of Mexico, but according to intelligence service reports American has begun to expand to other regions of the Aztec territory.

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