Saturday, September 28

Heavy snowstorm at Buffalo Bills stadium forces game against Cleveland to be moved to Detroit's Ford Field

Buffalo Bills deberán jugar en Detroit por fuerte tormenta de nieve.
Buffalo Bills will have to play in Detroit due to heavy snow storm.

Photo: Timothy T Ludwing / Getty Images

A huge snowstorm in the outskirts of New York City caused the Buffalo Bills to head to Detroit to play this Sunday’s game against the Cleveland Browns.

Despite the fact that in American football it is not customary to stop matches for these reasons, this time it was warranted since Highmark Stadium was out of condition.

The NFL does not usually suspend games due to these natural phenomena except for electrical storms, but this time the storm made a bad move with amounts of snow that were around one meter inside the enclosure.

Given this reality, the league considered an unnecessary risk for players and fans that the game will be held at Highmark Stadium.

In the same way, according to the EFE news agency, it is expected that the phenomenon will cause significant impacts to both ends of the region, according to the NOAA Meteorological Prediction Center , so traveling and driving under the forecast conditions is not recommended.

The scope of the snowstorm

The snow storm has had a significant impact on the town, with damaged heating systems, frozen pipes and constant failures reported. in electrical service. All this without counting several traffic accidents that occurred in the Buffalo area in New York due to this natural phenomenon.

Oddly enough, and despite the heavy impact of the blizzard, some fans of the Bills have complained about the NFL’s decision to move the game to Detroit and have launched countless criticisms through social networks.

In terms of sports, it should be noted that the Buffalo Bills continue to be one of the teams favorites to take the championship, however they have a losing streak of two consecutive losses, which leaves their record at six wins and three losses.

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