Saturday, September 28

Genaro García Luna: the jury for the trial against the former Mexican secretary should answer 79 questions

Genaro García Luna es acusado de narcotráfico.
Genaro García Luna is accused of drug trafficking.

Photo: East New York Court / Getty Images

NEW YORK.- For the selection of the jury for the trial of the former Mexican Secretary of Public Security, Genaro García Luna, prospective members might have to answer 63 questions, at least that’s the list suggested by federal prosecutors.

The questions range from personal aspects, such as age, profession, general tastes, what types of programs are on television; to questions related to situations that will affect this trial, including the defense accusation, in the voice of César de Castro, about the possible influence of certain books or the position on agencies such as the DEA or the FBI.

Among the questions, it stands out whether the possible members of the jury, residents of New York, mainly from the city, have any “opinion” about Mexicans.


“Do you have any opinions about Mexican descendants that might cause you any doubts about your ability to be fair? and impartial as a jury?” says the question 63.

That same questioning offers a potential juror the chance to answer “privately” during the selection process.

Another question relates to US federal law enforcement and investigative agencies, such as the DEA and FBI, including the US police. New York (NYPD).

He wonders if there is any opinion about those agencies that could affect the decision as a jury. This questioning stands out because various accusations against García Luna are directly related to said agencies, some of his partners are even former DEA agents.

The questionnaire It is not a final list, since the defense must agree and Judge Brian Cogan will decide on it.

However, the questions establish a line on which people they would seek to rule out, even inquiring about the type of television programs that the candidates use to the panel and books you have read.

It should be remembered that, during one of the hearings, the lawyer De Castro accused that there are books that have a negative influence on his client, something that the prosecutors have rejected that statement.

The prosecutors offer the jury a summary of the accusations and the case in general of García Luna, against whom there are millions of documents, audios and videos as proof.

“The defendant, Genaro García Luna, was a public official of the Mexican Government until his retirement in 2012,” the court document says.

It adds that he is accused of participating in what is called a Continuous Criminal Enterprise, which violates the Title 63, United States Code, Sections 848(a) and 1200(c). That is, the former Secretary of the Government of Felipe Calderón operated a “mini cartel” .

In July of 2020, a grand jury in Long Island, New York, found sufficient elements to accuse García Luna and two of his former collaborators, Luis Cárdenas Palomino, who in 2012 was ironically appointed Intelligence Coordinator for the Prevention of Crime of the Federal Police, and Ramón Pequeño García, former head of Intelligence of that unit and investigated for helping Guzmán Loera escape.

The accusation against García Luna is that he received bribes and provided assistance to the Sinaloa Cartel, although he has pleaded not guilty.

“Mr. García Luna is also accused in the indictment of participating in the following crimes: international conspiracy to distribute cocaine, conspiracy to distribute and possess with intent to distribute cocaine, conspiracy to import cocaine and making false statements”, indicate the prosecutors.

The trial against García Luna is scheduled to begin on January 9, but that date could change.