Sunday, September 29

Five Caro Quintero properties will pass into the hands of the US Department of Justice

Evaristo Lara

The US Department of Justice announced that a court in Mexico authorized the United States to confiscate five properties belonging to drug trafficker Rafael Caro Quintero who is currently in prison.

In this way and based on the civil forfeiture law, the Mexican government will allow the United States Department of Justice United States to appropriate farms built in the municipalities of Zapopan and Guadalajara.

The first property is located on Paseo de Los Virreyes street, number 4283, batch 21, Manzana 29, in the Fraccionamiento Villa Universidad, in Zapopan.

The second property is located in Luigi Pirandello street 5397, Lot 29-B, Apple 468, in Fraccionamiento Vallarta Universidad, in Zapopan.

A couple of luxury apartments located on Sagitario street 4283, Interior 8 and 9, Sagitario condominium, in Fraccionamiento Arboledas, in Zapopan, are the third and fourth property requisitioned.

And the fifth property is a commercial premises on Avenida Melchor Ocampo bode 468, Local 29, in the Mercado de Abastos Norte, Mercado del Campesino.

In this regard, Breon Peace , attorney for the Eastern District of New York, issued a statement warning other drug traffickers about the fate their properties purchased with dirty money could have.

“This forfeiture sends a powerful message to drug lords in Mexico and elsewhere that there are no limits to going after bad actors and locating their ill-gotten assets anywhere in the world. mundo”, indicates part of the letter.

According to the Attorney General’s Office of Republic (FGR), the assets confiscated from Caro Quintero at the time were acquired with resources of illicit origin, specifically from the sale of narcotics. Internationals a request from the Director of the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice of the United States of America, through which he requested international legal assistance for the confiscation of real estate”. said the institution through another statement.

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