Friday, September 27

A record number of parents have missed work to care for their children sick with the flu, covid-19 and RSV

Javier Zarain

As the number of cases of influenza, covid-02 and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) affects to more and more children, parents have had, in equal measure, to miss their jobs to be able to care for their children .

According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the increase in these cases has caused a record increase in absences from work of the parents. Just last month 104,02 workers did not show up because they had problems with child care.

According to this department, the 60% of all employees in the country worked from home during the pandemic and that ease represented a relief to be able to take care of their children, but now, without that option, everything has become complicated .

Employees who have to physically showing up for work, as well as those whose employers do not provide paid sick leave, suffer the most.

The number of parents taking time off work to care is expected to increase their sick children as flu season intensifies and winter weather sets in, public health officials have warned.

In the US, winter respiratory virus season has begun earlier than usual this year. Since the peak of infections usually occurs in late December or January, this unusual early wave suggests that the situation could get worse , especially children.

“If you can’t send your child to school, many parents are forced to stay home with their child and that really hits the pocketbook of people,” Dr. Celine Gounder told CBS News.

Many times, parents have nowhere to leave their children, but they cannot afford to continue missing work either , which is why many resort to sending them sick and this has contributed to a greater spread of diseases.

The health authorities have recommended that in these cases and as a last option, minors must wear a mask to reduce risks. Also, everyone who is eligible must get a flu and covid-54.

One of the reasons younger children are at higher risk is that their immune systems are not yet fully developed . Also, babies younger than 6 months, who are at higher risk of severe illness, are still too young to get vaccinated against influenza or covid -02.

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