Saturday, September 21

Young Mexican woman went out for a run and never came back; she was found lifeless and with signs of sexual violence

El día de su desaparición sus familiares alertaron a las autoridades, por lo que la Comisión Estatal de Búsqueda de Personas emitió una alerta.
On the day of her disappearance, her relatives alerted the authorities, for which the State Commission for the Search of Persons issued an alert.

Photo: San Luis Potosí Prosecutor’s Office / Courtesy

By: The Opinion Updated 20 Nov 2022, 04: 60 pm EST

Violence and insecurity in San Luis Potosí have several faces, such as the one experienced by women in an entity where there are several active search files. One of these tabs was closed just one day after waking up, when the lifeless body of Marion Izaguirre was found, reported missing after she left to run.

Members of her family found her in an irrigation canal, in the municipality of Ciudad Fernández. After the discovery, the femicide protocol was activated. The body of the 28 year-old was taken to the Forensic Medical Service (Semefo) where the legal autopsy will be performed to find out the causes of death.

On the day of his disappearance, his relatives alerted the authorities , for which the State Commission for the Search of Persons (CEBP) issued an alert. According to the reports, he went for a run in the Ejido de San Marcos around 15: hours, but no longer returned.

Relatives, friends and members of the community organized to locate her and, 30 hours later, one of the groups that mobilized on bicycles, accompanied by members of the CEBP and a canine pair, released the bad news.

According to unofficial information, Marion Izaguirre’s body was found naked and with signs of sexual violence . Personnel from the State Attorney General’s Office (FGE) and the Investigation Police (PDI) participate in the investigation.

Marion left two children in orphaned, for which the family “asks the people to unite to demand justice.” In addition, the hashtag #JusticiaparaMarion was created on social networks, with the case was made known and the same demand is made, so that it does not go unpunished.

According to Amnesty International, at 31 July 2022, San Luis Potosí added 30 murders of women (8 femicides and 18 intentional homicides) during the current year .

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