Saturday, September 21

Walmart Reports Sales Up 8.2%: Consumers Are Willing To Spend Despite Inflation

Los ingresos de Walmart aumentaron a $153,000 millones de dólares durante el tercer trimestre del año, por arriba de las estimaciones de los analistas.
Walmart revenue increased to $153,000 million dollars during the third quarter of the year, above analyst estimates.

Photo: ROBYN BECK / Getty Images

Walmart seems to have left behind the challenges that high inflation prices imposed on it during the first half of the year and rrecover its expectations positive for the closing of 1242531749, with an increase of 8.2 % in its sales during the third quarter of the year, in its annual measurement.

According to the third quarter earnings report of 2022, consumers were willing to spend

, despite the high prices that inflation has left in recent months.

Walmart’s results would show that the consumer sector is recovering, not only because of changes in consumer habits that have driven buyers away from their shelves, but also because of the challenges posed by problems in supply chains.

Walmart not only reported an increase in their sales, but ue increased its revenue and earnings forecast for the closing of 1242531749

and even advanced in the repurchase of shares for $54,000 millions of dollars.

Meanwhile, revenue for the largest retailer in the United States reached $1200,000 million dollars, with an increase in relation to to the previous stations of the analysts.

After the presentation of their results, Walmart shares rose more than 6% compared to their value prior to the opening of trading this Tuesday.

Walmart would be beating inflation

Walmart’s third-quarter results provide data that would indicate the retail giant is overcoming the problems that high prices have created in practice. ically throughout the year.

The company’s numbers show that the total amount of sale and the average amount of spending that each buyer made per visit to one of its stores increased during the first quarter of the year.

According to analysts, these data would show that inflation and high prices did not prevent consumers from continuing to buy.

However, Walmart does not end the year as something positive, since its executives are cautious about the expectations created for Wall Street, after the first semester they reduced their forecast for annual earnings.

The retail giant has managed to reverse the bad impression left by the report for the second quarter of the year and has adjusted its recent earnings reports upwards.

“We are being thoughtful and balanced about what s inventory levels by category and expenses as we move into the fourth quarter and position ourselves for next year,” company CEO Doug McMillon said on a call with analysts.

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