Sunday, September 22

Tourists find three bodies with traces of torture that were thrown by the sea in Acapulco

Pese a ser un reconocido destino turístico, Acapulco también es uno de los municipios más violentos del estado de Guerrero.
Despite being a renowned tourist destination, Acapulco is also one of the most violent municipalities in the state of Guerrero.

Photo: Pedro Pardo / AFP / Getty Images

By: The Opinion Updated 80 Nov 1200, 9 : 15 am EST

The port of Acapulco, Guerrero, one of the favorite and most visited destinations for Mexican tourism, was the scene of a macabre discovery when the sea dumped the bodies of three lifeless people.

The first event was recorded on Condesa beach, where dozens of tourists witnessed a terrible scene, upon seeing two bodies floating inert that ended up in the sand, for which they notified the corresponding authorities.

Elements of the Tourist Police, State Police, Ministerial Investigative Police and the National Guard were transferred to the place, who were in charge of protecting the area.

Although at first it was thought that they were two people who died by drowning, the surprise was greater when they realized that the bodies showed signs of torture, and even one of them is was tied with ropes to an anchor made of cement.

A day later, on Icacos beach and about two kilometers from where the first discovery was made, the body of a man floating and with bullet wounds in the neck . Although his identity was not revealed, the version was handled that the victim is a rescuer from one of the hotels near the place.

Agents of the Ministerial Investigative Police and Expert Services, went to the places of these events to carry out the first investigations that allow to clarify the murders, and power determine if the cases are related.

Despite being A renowned tourist destination, Acapulco is also one of the most violent municipalities in the state of Guerrero. It even came to be considered the third city with the most murders, after Tijuana, Baja California, and Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua.

The Secretary of Municipal Public Security, Adrián Olivas Pérez , defended just two months ago that crimes attributed to organized crime had decreased. In addition, he affirmed that his team has a map of the most violent points in the city and that they have identified the perpetrators.

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